Chapter three

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No one's POV

It was Friday. The last school bell had rung which woke Xueer up from her nap during math. She was exhausted from trying to come up with ideas the night before, ideas for the "plan" that she was going to tell Jiaqi. She started to worry as she still had no ideas for the "plan" but she has to meet up with Jiaqi soon. She quickly packed all her things into her bag and was about to leave the classroom when she heard someone calling her.

"Xueer wait up!" someone shouted as Xueer was leaving the classroom.

Xueer looked back to see Yuxin maneuvering through the groups of students standing in her way to get to Xueer.

"Hi Yuxin" Xueer greeted with a smile.

"Hey Xueer, wanna hang out after school?" Yuxin asked.

"Sorry Yuxin, I already made plans to study with Jiaqi" Xueer casually replied.

"Wait, since when were you guys friends? I thought you hated Jiaqi" Yuxin questioned.

"Well, we have been texting lately and I found out she is actually a decent person" Xueer explained.

"Woah, you guys are on texting level too?" Yuxin said, slightly confused with what she has heard. "Damn what have I missed? Don't tell me you guys are dating too" Yuxin added.

"Thank you Yuxin" Xueer thought.

"Why? are you jealous?" Xueer teased.

"N-no, I'm not jealous, just curious" Yuxin replied shyly, putting her hand behind her neck.

"Well, I got to go but lets definitely hang out tomorrow. We could watch Disney movies at my house while eating ice cream" Xueer suggested.

"Sorry I can't I got...homework" Yuxin said, hesitating the last word.

"Okay then," Xueer replied, "See you on Monday?"

"Yeah see you" Yuxin said, leaving the classroom immediately after.

Xueer thought that it was strange for Yuxin to act like that, Yuxin was definitely jealous.


An aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans filled Xueer's nose as she walked into the cafe, she looks around and finds Jiaqi already sitting at a table, sipping a cup of coffee while mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

Xueer sits at the seat directly in front of Jiaqi which diverted Jiaqi's attention from her phone to Xueer.

"It's about time you arrived" Jiaqi said in a condescending tone.

"Sorry the bus was late" Xueer replied.

"What? you don't drive? Arent you 17?" Jiaqi said, tilting her head in confusion.

"Why are you surprised? Not all of us are able to afford a car like you" Xueer said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah you're right, sorry" Jiaqi apologized, regretting her insensitive questions.

There was an awkward silence before Jiaqi spoke up.

"So what's the plan?" Jiaqi asked, breaking the silence.

"Well", Xueer began, "The plan is that we have to pretend to be dating to get Yuxin jealous."

"WHAT?" Jiaqi gasped loudly, alerting some of the people in the cafe.

"Sorry" Jiaqi said softly to the people sitting around them in the cafe.

"And what makes you think it will work?" Jiaqi whispered, being extra cautious of her loudness.

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