Chapter six

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Kong Xueer's POV

As soon as I entered Yuxin's car, I see her with one of the biggest smiles on her face.

"What's got you smiling like an idiot?" I asked while buckling in my seatbelt.

"Oh, I'm just thinking about this girl from the party" Yuxin replied, smiling widely.

"Oo a girl? What's up with her?" I cooed, trying my best to distract myself from what happened with Jiaqi just moments ago. As her friend, I was genuinely happy for Yuxin for finding someone even though I know my plan had obviously failed. This made me realize that Yuxin doesn't have a thing for Jiaqi, however, deep down, something makes me relieved about Yuxin and Jiaqi not getting together.

"She has the prettiest smile I've ever seen and we have so much in common, we pretty much hit it off right away" Yuxin shared, I could see the glimmer in her eyes when she was talking about this girl.

"What's her name?" I asked while raising my left brow, curious about this mysterious girl.

"Duan Xiaowei," Yuxin replied, still grinning like an idiot, "She's in my chemistry class for fourth period but I have never spoken to her till today".

"So how about you?" Yuxin added.

"What about me?" Xueer said.

"Don't act dumb, I saw you and Jiaqi kissing as if no one was around," Yuxin said then pretended to kiss the air in front of her while making kissing noises to tease me. I could feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me you guys were dating?" Yuxin questioned.

"Urm, we aren't-" I began to panic. I wasn't exactly sure what I should tell Yuxin. That the kiss was part of an elaborate plot to get her together with Jiaqi? Definitely not. I wasn't exactly sure what to reply to her without raising any suspicions from Yuxin.

"That girl did seem super drunk though, I hope Daimeng takes good care of her. You should probably check up on your girl tomorrow, she's probably going to have a massive hangover" Yuxin said.

Yuxin was right, Jiaqi was really drunk. Was she that nervous to see Yuxin? Maybe she kissed me thinking I was Yuxin? Or maybe she only kissed me because she was jealous of Yuxin? Maybe the kisses meant nothing but a drunk mistake to her. More and more questions started to pop up in my head which didn't help my confused feelings for Jiaqi.

"Jiaqi and I are not dating," I stated, looking away from Yuxin.

"Wait, but you guys kissed-"

"Its complicated and Jiaqi was super drunk anyways, she didn't know what she was doing!" I replied with a little more emotion than I wanted.

"Woah Xueer, are you okay?" Yuxin asked out of concern due to my sudden outburst.

" my feeling are just really confused right now." I took a small pause before continuing, "I think I like Xu Jiaqi" I ended as I came to the realization.

"How long have you been feeling this way?" Yuxin asked.

"I'm not sure... but I'm sure that I like her more than a friend" I said.

"I was worried because I saw you two hanging out all the time but you didn't tell me anything" Yuxin pouted.

"I'm sorry about that" I sighed.

"Maybe you should tell her how you feel?" Yuxin added on.

"I can't, she likes someone else" I responded, remembering Jiaqi had a crush on Yuxin for two years whereas I only known her for a month.

"That kiss I saw tells me otherwise" Yuxin said. I remembered the second kiss we shared, I remembered the electricity pulsing through my veins when my lips touched Jiaqi's.

"She was drunk" I insisted.

"I mean, it couldn't hurt to tell her how you feel. She might feel the same way" Yuxin suggested.

Yuxin is right, what do I have to lose? That my friendship with Jiaqi will never be the same? I think the kiss already did that for me so there's no harm in telling her right?

"Maybe I will, thanks Yuxin" I said.

"No prob bob" Yuxin replied and I cringed at that response. The rest of the ride back was silent, mostly because I was still preoccupied with the memories of me and Jiaqi making out by the pool. Yuxin was right, parties are overrated.
A/N: Sorry for the long delay and short chapter, its because I'm planning a longer chapter after this so stay tune :) I just got past my writer's block so I will be trying to write more frequently and give you guys another chapter soon!

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