The one and only

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That morning Jiyong wake up with his beloved omega, his one and only husband called Seungri, he would love to wake up to this side of view every morning, it's giving him some sense of peace and warmth. His husband sleeping so tight and peaceful, he can't bear to wake Seungri, but Seungri's face makes him just want to wake him up soon because his mind telling too. Jiyong started to kiss Seungri's forehead, down to his nose, chin, cheek, and ending to his lips. Jiyong just wanted to tease by biting Seungri's bottom lips, but his lust made it worse. Jiyong kissed his husband slowly and deep, his lust kiss makes Seungri awakened. He's used to the way Jiyong always teasing him in the morning, this has become a routine ritual, but this time there is a different from the usual, there is a sensation that makes his body shiveRing, he tries to hold his smile but the deep kisses Jiyong gives him make Seungri unable to hold his smile and tried to open his eyes."Good morning husband" he greeted his handsome husband with kissing back his cheek"Good morning love, you look sexy this morning with your loose pajamas" he whispered with his lust and sexy voice make his husband giggling "Really?? Well I think I should use the pajamas more often" Seungri smirk looking at his husband"You should baby" Jiyong starting kissing his husband lips and down to his neck sucking it make a mark in Seungri's neck, Jiyong began to fondle Seungri's body and grinding their bulge creates frictions that make his husband moan louder, and Seungri's moan like a music to his ear makes him more desperate to make love with his husband that morning. Seungri's hand more tightly grasping Jiyong's hair, he is more unable to resist his desire to hope Jiyong does not torture him by teasing him longer with his kissing, sucking, biting all his part of the body especially his sensitive part. Finally, he can't wait anymore, he pushes Jiyong's body into bed and now he takes over the control their make out time before going to the main part of their making love. For them make love is the Right word to describe it because they doing it based on love, not only desire and lust that usually many peoples describe a one night stand, but this is not one night stand either, it's their lovely another half, their soulmate, their husband. Seungri kissing back Jiyong's lips and take off his clothes and also Jiyong's, now they are naked and staring at each other with a pair of eyes full of desire. He sucks on Jiyong's nipple and then down to his tummy and then started down to the main part of this romance, he gripped it affectionately and started pumping it slowly while kissing and biting Jiyong lips gently. Jiyong sighs and tries to catch his breath because of the sensation he feels, he closed his eyes tightly as he tries to hold back his deepest desire to thrust his cock into Seungri's hole."Baby the lube please" Seungri ask Jiyong to take the lube from a small drawer next to the bed"Here honey" Jiyong give it to Seungri"I want to give you surprise" Seungri whispers into Jiyong's ear"Really? surprise me baby" Jiyong smiled, can't help for seeing what makes Seungri act so sexy like that"I want to prepare my hole by my self on top of you honey" he winked while he biting his lip"Oh god please baby, I can't wait"Seungri poured the lube into his hand and started to insert his fingers one by one, started from one finger to the third finger, sighed as he begins to wiggle his hips to the rhythm of his hand coming in and out from his hole, he moans and with his right hand he holds Jiyong's chest as his butts squeezing Jiyong's tummy as a result of the sensation he found his sweet spot, he was scissoRing his hole faster and Jiyong more aroused with the view of his husband preparing his hole, so tempting."Oh baby you look so sexy""Yeah I am""now my turn to pumping your hole babe" He grabs Seungri's waist and put his body down slowly on the bed, and hold his dick touching slowly to teasing Seungri's hole, he trying to thrust his dick slowly step by step entered Seungri's hole while his forehead touching Seungri's forehead, Seungri hissing and arching his back because of the sensation from the penetrate while Jiyong's hand caressing one of Seungri's leg to reduce the pain. "Oh god Ji it hurts" "I know baby, your hole so tight that's why" he kissed Seungri's lips to distract his attention from the pain"Feels good now?" Jiyong asked"Yeah a little bit" he trying to smile to makes Jiyong not to worry "May I move now? I'll try slowly honey okay" he caressed Seungri's cheeks gently"Okay honey" he nodded slowlyJiyong thrust slowly inside Seungri almost taking his length out just to force it all the way back again, Jiyong swayed and rolled his hips into Seungri's hole while his hands pumping Seungri's dick and moaning his name. Seungri hissed but pleaded for more turning his head searching for Jiyong's lips, he entangled his hands-on Jiyong's hair and brought him up, wrapped his arms around Jiyong's chest. Suddenly Seungri turns his body position on top, he starts to Ride Jiyong slowly."Oh Ji hold still please""As your wish baby" Seungri ride Jiyong's body looking so hot and tempting, Jiyong can't hold his hands to wrap Seungri's dick on his, he pumping it follows the rhythm of Seungri's body up and down on top of him. Their bodies wet full of sweat and their hearts are beating fast, Jiyong spread Seungri's butt making him moan louder and arching his back desperate for release, but Jiyong wanna make it long last enjoying their bodies touching each other. Jiyong lifted his body in a sitting position and take Seungri's nape to kiss Seungri, and Seungri kissing back with the same desire, looking at each other eyes and expressions while their bodies enjoying the part of heaven on earth. Seungri caressing Jiyong's chest and he can feel his heart beating so fast, it makes him to trying gives his lover the best moment of their making love. And yes, Jiyong's heart beating is just for Seungri, only for him. "Ah, Ji I wanna cum""Cum for me baby, cum for me"When Jiyong pumping Seungri's dick faster, he can't hold back, he came all over Jiyong hands and chest, Jiyong still felt hard while Seungri still continues pumping his body up and down, it took him just one minute and only a few of thrust to come hard and filling his weed in Seungri's hole. He feels flying at the moment, enjoying the peek of heaven, shut his eyes tight while holding Seungri's waist panting on the bed. "oh Ji, you are the best" "I know babe""I love you honey" he kissing Jiyong's upper lip and teased him with a french kiss"I love you too baby""Wanna take shower with me?" Seungri asked while catching his breath"Round two babe?""I would love to" Jiyong pick Seungri up towards bathroom while Seungri entangled his leg on Jiyong's waist and giggling like a teenage girl, that morning they started their day full of laughter, they have married for three years already, but till now there is no sign of baby on Seungri's belly, fruits of their love, and it makes Seungri sad sometimes, but for Jiyong till now never making a fuss of it, he still enjoying their marriage life, because for him marriage just not give Jiyong a baby but also living the meaning of the marriage itself, while for Seungri it's really important because he is the omega, the carrier, he has the responsibility and a heavy burden to conceive and birth heirs for Jiyong, for three years he always believed and prayed hope that his dream is granted. Jiyong always tells him that no matter what he always by his side forever, and looking a solution for this. But Seungri is Seungri, always worRied about everything especially all about Jiyong, because for him Jiyong is his life, that day he sensed something strange that makes him feels anxious and worRied, he doesn't know what is it all about but he just hoped everything will be alRight."Ri my mom will invite me to lunch together, sorry I can't lunch with you as usual, is it okay honey?""Of course, send my regards to your mom""Okay honey, love you" Jiyong grabs his keys car and suitcase ready for starting his day as CEO of multi-company called GRI EnterpRise, which is they build from zero together with Seungri, well Jiyong's share bigger than Seungri but who cares, coz Jiyong's money also Seungri's Right."Bye honey" Jiyong pecks Seungri's lip "Bye Ji, see you at home""See you later baby"Seungri as well as starting his day as director of public relations in one of their GRI branch company but in a different building across Jiyong's building which connects with sky cross. In their spare time, they always spend time together with visiting each other office, chatting in a private room, sometimes make out till making love in a private bathroom. What a happy marriage life they have, but sometimes everything doesn't come to their way right, a life full of tRials especially in married life that from the beginning was not approved by one of the family parts which is Jiyong's family, for them Jiyong is their pride son because Jiyong is the only child and is the sole heir of Kwon enterprises. Jiyong's parents think that they can look for better omega for Jiyong, but Jiyong is Jiyong, a stubborn man, and firm with his stance, let alone with his love for Seungri, the thing that can not be negotiable and make any compromise. But it was the day when his mother tried to compromise his marriage to Seungri."Hello mom, yes sure I'll come, I'll be there in one hour, okay see you mom, bye" He hung up and compile the file he just signed, called his secretary to take the file."Yes sir""I'll just inform you that I'll go out for lunch with my mom, in case someone looking for me""Noted sir""Thank you"He takes his key and goes to the parking area by elevator, he started to ride his car towards his house and his mother had prepared his favoRite foods at the dining room, it's her only son after all Right."hai Jiyong""hai mom, how are you?" kissing his mom on her cheek"I'm fine my son, and how about you?""Always great""Well let's lunch I have prepared your favorite dishes""Waow great"While they have their lunch, they talking about GRI company progress, his father, and Kwon entrepRises till they finished their lunch and starting enjoying tea time after lunch as Kwon's family habit at home. Their conversation continued in the living room while sipping their tea, his mother started talking about his marRiage life with Seungri."Ji, is Seungri already showing signs that he's pregnant?""So far not showing any sign of it but I hope it will soon" his mother expression suddenly gloomy, Jiyong knows what is this conversation all about but he trying acted as nothing happened "Well if you don't mind what if you're married again with the woman of my choice, she is a beautiful omega of my friend's daughter, and she is" "Mom I have told you many times, no matter happened Seungri will be the only one for me as my husband, and by the way, it's just only three years of our marriage, maybe I hope so next year would be the year for us having a baby""But Ji your father told me that""Told you what mom? that Seungri is not someone who is suitable for me to give birth to my child? mom I don't want to discuss this anymore, we've discussed it many times, and many times that my answer will remain the same. Well I'll go back to the office now because I have a meeting at three, and by the way, Seungri send his regard for you, bye mom loves you" His mother can only surrender and sigh because her efforts try to persuade Jiyong to marry again failed for the umpteenth time, Jiyong is really similar to his father who is firmed with his decision and very stubborn, after all, like father like son. After his visit from his house makes him a little bit disturbed, why that topic is always discussed every time he visited his home. And now he's hesitant to accept or invited Seungri to visit his parents because he is afraid that the topic will be discussed again. Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it up because he knew it was a phone call from Seungri with a special Ring tone. "Yes honey""Hey, Ji how about your lunch?""Well it's fine" but he can't hide his tired voice"You sound so tired, what happened?""Nothing" "Anything happened at your house?""Nothing babe, don't worry everything is okay""Ji I know you and you can't lie to me, tell me what is it?""Well I'll talk about it when I arrived at home, okay honey, see you at home bye""Ji I"Jiyong hangs up his calling, but Seungri can feel something wrong with Jiyong, he anxious about what were they talk about when they have lunch, was it all about the same topic again, he tried not to think about it, he did not want to go home and greet Jiyong with a sad face because home to him is his little heaven in the world.

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