The hope that vanished away

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"Are you sure doctor that I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, I'm sure Mr. Lee, if you doubt about it, we can more ensure with ultrasonograph if you don't mind"


After an ultrasonograph examination Seungri did not believe that he is pregnant but after Doctor Choi showed him finally he believed, but how could this happen when the test results declared Jiyong was infertile, is this a miracle, he just stood there seeing the ultrasonograph picture that he held in his hand, he did not expect his pray and hope for this will came true, Jiyong would love to hear this news, he should tell him immediately.

"Hello Ji"

"Yes baby"

"Are you busy now?"

"No just signing some paper, why?"

"Just asking, any meeting or appointment?"

"Mhmm as I remember I don't have one so far"

"Great, so may I come to your office?"

"Ofcourse honey, I'll wait, bye"

"Bye Ji"

From the hospital Seungri went straight to Jiyong's office, he can not wait to show the results of his pregnancy test, he wonders what kind of reaction Jiyong will give after seeing the ultrasonography, whether he knows right away or is confused, Seungri would love to see Jiyong's shocking face. When he arrived at Jiyong's office, his secretary immediately took him to Jiyong's room, he saw Jiyong busy in his room, he looks so handsome and hot when he was so focused like that, for a moment Seungri feels proud of himself that Jiyong is his husband, his love because he knows out there are many beautiful and sexy women whom crazy for Jiyong's love, even willing to be his mistress if Jiyong want to but he knows Jiyong is not that kind of cheap playboy, Jiyong is a type of man with one woman, but unfortunately he married a man, poor Jiyong.

"Sir your husband is here"

"Ah yes, send him to my room"

"Yes sir"

"Thank you" and then Seungri entered Jiyong's room with his beautiful smile on his face

"Hai Jiyong" Seungri walking towards Jiyong and holding his face and peck on his lips

"Hai baby, you look so happy today hot"

"Hahaha... I know, you already checking me out while I get inside, pervert"

"Yes, but I'm your pervert" Jiyong smirks while holding Seungri's waist

"Yes, and I love it" he kissing Jiyong's lips again

"I know, by the way, are there important things you want to talk about?"

"Yes, very important, that's why I came directly from hospital to your office"

"Hospital? Why the hospital? are you okay?"

"Hundred percent fine, just little check-up things and then doctor give me this"

Seungri gives an envelope to Jiyong

"What is it?" Jiyong confused and looked at Seungri with his furrowed eyebrow

"Just open it" Jiyong opens the envelope in his hand and saw a little black-and-white paper, he confused because he had never seen such a picture, he then looks at Seungri and asked.

"What is it Ri?"

"An ultrasonography picture"


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