Christmas Sex

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Anal sex, lingerie, Harry top, Louis bottom, butt plug, fingering, rimming, peppermint lube ♡

In the years that Louis and Harry had been together, they had never been very well off.

They had never been anything less then optimistic, but there were nights that they had to go hungry because they couldn't afford to feed themselves for the day. They had been both kicked out of their homes when they were young, after coming out together, and they had kind of been coasting just along the top of bankruptcy since they had managed to gain their footing, working odd jobs and living in the cheapest flats they could find. They were better off now then they had been a few years ago, but things were still tight, and for Christmas they had decided on a small tree and fairy lights but not much else. They had agreed to not give each other gifts, at least until they could afford them, but Harry had always been there for Louis whenever things got particularly bad, and Louis couldn't afford not to get him a present.

Which, okay. He still doesn't have a lot of money, so he can't actually afford to get Harry an expensive gift, but after a lot of pouting and brainstorming on Louis' part (he had tried to think of something he could make or bake or paint for him, and, very briefly, considered trying to adopt a baby), but after a very long and very awkward phone conversation with Zayn, he had decided that it would be safer not to attempt to bake anything. Harry's not expecting anything, anyway, and he's always liked the way Louis' looked in lingerie, so Louis had pulled open the very bottom drawer of his nightstand, and voila.

He may be going the smallest bit overboard, he knows, but it's Christmas. His panties and garters are both red, as are his sheer stockings, and the red and white jacket he's wearing open over his lingerie. His lipstick is also red, only a shade or two darker, and he has glitter, gold and crimson, dusted over his cheekbones. After Harry leaves to get them breakfast on Christmas morning, Louis sits on the floor in front of the front door, wrists bound with red tinsel and legs spread open in front of him. He doesn't have to wait long before Harry returns home, occupied for a moment with locking the door before he notices Louis and promptly drops the bags in his hands.

Louis smiles sweetly, biting his lip as he watches Harry slowly look him over. "Merry Christmas, Daddy," he whispers.

Harry stares for a moment, eyes lingering on the thin lace of Louis' panties and the dark tinsel in his lap. He's on Louis after only half a moment, sealing their lips together at the same moment that he lifts him into his arms. He's groaning, and Louis smirks against his lips, hooking his arms around his neck as Harry carries him down the short hall and to their bedroom. He keeps himself pressed against Louis as he quickly lays him down on their bed, and Louis can already feel Harry's cock starting to stir against his hip.

Wrists bound, he slowly reaches between them, fingers curling against Harry's cock as he licks into his mouth and smudges his lipstick. Harry groans again, rocking his hips the littlest bit as he pushes Louis' jacket out of the way and breaks the kiss to look down at him. Louis smiles again, spreading his legs slowly, and Harry's eyes darken as he watches him. He's looking at Louis like he wants to eat him, and that's exactly the reaction that Louis had been hoping for.

"You like it?" He breathes, maybe laying it on a little thick, but it's Harry's Christmas present and if ever there was a time for Louis to lay it on a little thick, this is it. "Do you think I look pretty, Daddy?" Harry's breath catches, and Louis slowly runs his hands down his torso, toying with the waistband of his panties. "I wanted to get you something for Christmas but I don't have a lot of money." He sucks his lower lip into his mouth, before Harry's on him again, leaving bruises as he kisses quickly down Louis' throat.

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