Chapter 2

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Saturday 8-28-20
Niya Pov

"Buzz buzz" i turned over from the bed noticing my phone was ringing with a phone call from Leah💕 so i answered

"Hey girl" she said

"Wassup, why u call me so early" i said rubbing my eyes

"Girl it's 3pm, far from early.. what kept you up all night?" she asked laughing

if only she knew that my step dad beat me so bad to where i literally passed out and was just now waking up

"Oh nothing just Netflix" i said laughing nervously

"Mhm" she said looking unsure of my answer

"Yea but wassup why u call?" i said looking for my water bottle cause i be waking up with dry throat or sum

"Oh yea right.. well me and the gang going to the Carnival today so you tryna slide? you know yo boyfriend Trey gone be there" she said smirking

"Girl now you know that me and Trey are not thing" I said rolling my eyes

"Girl whatever, so you coming or what?" she said

"Yes i'll go.. what time tho?" I asked to see how much time i had to get ready

"Well we going at 4 and i'm picking you up at 3:45 so hurry up and get ready" she said smiling

"You outta line for only giving me 30 minutes to dress but okay, text me when you on your way" i said hanging up and getting my clothes ready

I went to take a quick shower cause i ain't want to be late, then i did my hygiene and stuff and got dress. I decided to be be dressy but plain so i wore some shorts and this cute top with a black jacket. I hope Trey don't try to touch my booty cause it sure is poking in this outfit

 I hope Trey don't try to touch my booty cause it sure is poking in this outfit

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Niya's Outfit ^

It was currently 3:43 and i was waiting on Leah to pull up cause i was ready to go especially since my "mom" and her boyfriend or whatever he is had to left to go on a date or sum idk nor do i care

As i was sitting on the couch i got a text from Leah

Leahbae💕😙: i'm outside, hurry yo ass 😂😂

I just laughed at the message cause this bitch really jus rushed me

At the Carnival 🙃

We finally arrived at the carnival and had went to get our wristbands and stuff but i couldn't help but notice Trey mugging me the hold time like nigga tf you mad for but ian tripping i'm here to have a good time

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