Chapter 6

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Leah's POV

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Leah's POV

"Wassup youtube so today we're going to do the hickey prank on my boyfriend" I said getting the makeup ready

"So he just went to the store but he on his way back rn so i gotta go set up the camera" i said getting up to set the camera up

"Wassup baby" Rashad said giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Hey baby" I said

"What's that on your neck" he said touching my neck

"I don't know what that is" I said looking confused

"Girl don't fucking play with me" He said getting mad

At this point i'm ready to end it all.. i'm scared now

"Bae what you talking about it's just burnt mark from when i was doing my hair" I said

"You just said you didn't know what it was, now you saying it's a burnt mark, GET YOUR FUCKING LIES TOGETHER" he said yelling the last part

"Bae chill, it's really a burnt mark" I said trying not to laugh

"You really playing with me Ariana" he said getting even more mad

Oh hell nah this nigga just said my last name.. time to abort the mf mission

"Okay bae imma tell you the truth" I said then took a long pause to gather my thoughts

"I'm fucking waiting" he said with an attitude

"Okaysoseemyexcamebyandwekindoffuckedbutitwasbyaccidentandhegavemethishickey" I said fast asf

"Wait a minute, say it slower" he said looking confused

"Okay so my ex came by and long story short we fucked but it was by accident and he gave me this hickey" I said almost crying to try to sell the story

"The fuck you crying for you the one that had sex with this dude, and how tf was it an accident when you clearly could've said no, i can't believe you would even do me like this especially after all we've been through, then you really let this man give you a hickey, man ion even wanna talk to you anymore we over dawg" he said with so much hurt in his eyes

Aw my poor tink.. i need to end this prank right now

"Bae it was just a prank, the camera right there" I said going up to grab the camera"

"Man whatever" he said sound like he was about to cry

"Bae i'm sorry" i said kissing all over his face

"Go wipe it off if it's a prank" he said and i went to go get my makeup remover, then wiped it off in front of him

"See" i said showing him the makeup wiping off

"Yea ight" he said with a slight attitude

"Well anyways, thank y'all for tuning in make sure y'all spam the comments with #TeamLeah and subscribe for more pranks and vlogs byee" I said closing out the video

"Baeee what you wanna do" I said sitting on his lap

"Oh since you think that prank was funny go in the room and strip right now" he said in a deep voice

Okay daddy

And i did exactly what he said.. y'all know the rest but after we was done we just watched a movie til we fell asleep

I updated finally 😂😂😂

I been slacking lately but it's okay cause imma start updating my often

I wanted y'all to see an insight of their relationship.. which is what this chapter about

Next chapter will focus on Niya & Trey 🙃

As always don't forget to




Also my birthday is on monday 🥳 (July 6)

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