Chapter 4

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Recap ..
"Nigga stfu don't you have a-" just as i was bout to finish my sentence gun shots started ringing and i started to panic cause ian never been around settings like this

I was trying to look for Leah and once i found her i wished i never did..

Niya's POV continued..

As soon as i turned around i seen my only friend shot in the chest, all i could do was pray to god that nothing happens to her as they carried her away to the ambulance.

"Hey Niya it's not your fault" Trey said hugging me

"Your right, it's yours" I said letting him go and getting mad

"How is this my fault" he said smacking his lips

"Because if you wouldn't have snatched me up, I could've been paying attention to her and could've stopped her from getting shot" I said getting loud

"I'm just gonna let this conversation go because obviously your mad so i'm just gonna give you space" he said leaving out the club

I just decided to leave and go to the hospital to make sure my best friend was okay because honestly if something happens to her i don't think i'll be able to cope with losing her.

At the hospital 🥺

"Family of Leah Sorrell" The doctor said coming out to the waiting room

"That's us" Leah's Mom said

"Okay well Leah is stable we were able to get the bullet out of her chest, however she is in a coma and as far as we can tell she should be waking up either in the next couple of days or 2 weeks so we'll have to monitor her until she wakes up" The doctor said

"Okay well can we see her" I said getting up from my seat

"Yes, you may but only 2 at time, it's not a wide space room" The doctor said then walking away after

"Well Niya you can go in there by yourself, I know you guys were fairly close, we can wait" Leah's Mom said

"Are you sure" I asked because I was a little scared to go in

"Yes honey go ahead" Leah's Dad said

I just said okay and walked to the room

I walk into the room and see Leah attached to all these chords and just immediately broke down because it's hard someone i cared for in this type of state

I got up the courage to walk to her bed and talk to her

"Hey Leah, i don't know if you can hear me but I just wanna say i'm sorry for not protecting you today, I'm sorry for leaving your side, I know if you saw me like this you probably would've clowned me lol but honestly I'm truly sorry and I just hope you can wake up soon, so i can just hug you and tell you I love you" I said then giving her a hug

I decided to just go home because I couldn't bare to stay in that hospital another second because it would make me feel sad all over again

Ugh.. I just hope my bestfriend wakes up soon ..

Short chapter cause i was tryna rush an update

Thoughts on this chapter?




i didn't proof read soo ..

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