The Cat AU (Scrapped fanfiction 3)

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*falls out of chair*

eeeee dang this one gonna be long. I got 2 chapters in before I bailed. 

this one was named Little Nightmares : Into The Cat-Verse

c a t v e r s e 

s p i d er v e r s e 

c a t v e r s e


i'm not funny, ik.

This is a Cat AU. Little Nightmares but they're all cats. I wrote this after binge reading 3 warrior cat books. They were either normal books or manga I forgot.

This is when my writing skill was not as good, like. My grammar isn't as good as it was now. 

I'm not proofreading~


In the middle of the sea, there was a young spotted black and white cat wearing a yellow raincoat swimming across the sea.

The Cat was extremely tired, it couldn't continue swimming for much longer.

The cat's name was Six.

"Imagination Diary entry 101." Six went underwater for a moment but she quickly rose back up.

"I escaped from that Geisha's paws who's surprisingly a Lion? Anyway, The Maw was sinking and if I wanted to live I needed to act fast. So I decided to jump into the water and start swimming before that granny could possibly swim up and get me."

Six paused.

"I don't think that was the right choice- I mean I did try to search for something I could use as a raft or boat, but I didn't find anything. But maybe if I....."

"No, no... that beach was clear- I mean there was this weird tv but I learned from the cats that TV + Water = Death. Anyway, currently I'm swimming in the sea and every second I grow more tired."

"I believe I'll start drowning soon, then I'll join the cats in heaven.... I mean hey, at least I made it out The Maw at least! That's a great achievement and a great story to tell the spirits!"

"Anyway...This is the finale entry I'll make so, Six signing...." Six spotted a large wooden plank drifting across the sea "NOT OFF! SIX IS LIVING TODAY!"

Six used all her energy and strength to swim quickly, as she was nearing the plank she was extremely excited. Soon she was right next to the plank, she climbed onto the plank and immediately lied down.

"Okay, so I found a plank and I am currently resting on it. Thank you for whoever dropped this in the ocean. Six is now actually signing off."


A Young Brown Maine coon cat ran through the forest, nearing the beach. He was wearing a brown paper bag on his head, there was a string around the paper bag. So if he wanted he could take the bag off and hang it around his neck.

The Cat was also wearing one of those anime wolf sword holders but instead of a sword there was a ladle in the holder.

The Cat jumped over logs, climbing over rocks, scaring birds off and just having a good time though the cat came to a sudden stop. On the beach's shore there was a sleeping spotted raincoat cat on a large plank.

The Cat cautiously walked over to the shore, he hesitantly stepped into the water. He pulled the cat to land with his claws. Once the cat was on land he started circling it, running away at any slight movement.

He grabbed his Ladle and poked Six with it.

No answer.

"Mono has come to the conclusion... That this cat is unconscious, and maybe dying." Mono said.

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