Chapter Four

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“Hi,” She said smiling at me, her beautiful blue eyes glinting.

“Hey,” I replied, “What are we doing?”

“We’re just finishing our assessment, you probably won’t have to do it, lucky,”

“So what’s this school like then?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Just like any other school, I suppose,”

“Pft,” the girl with dark hair joined in our conversation, “Apart from your mum, she gives us way too much homework,”

“Your mum?” I asked Chlo, whose cheeks had turned slightly pink.

“Miss. Redpath is my mum,” She admitted.

I tried to stop myself from laughing, but just couldn’t hold it in when Miss. Redpath shouted to the class to be quiet in her geordie accent.

“It’s not funny!”

“It is!” I giggled, the girl with dark hair joining in with me.

“I’m Janeece by the way,” she said.

“Dani,” I replied, smiling.

For the rest of the lesson Chlo, Janeece and I talked, gossiped, laughed and occasionally joined in with the class and did our work, as you would assume, we were told to be quiet and carry on with our work by Chlo’s mum numerous times.


When the bell went for second period and I looked at my timetable to see what lesson I had next, Chlo and Janeece did not have the same lesson as me, so I had to make my own way there. It was French, Miss. Haydock. When I had arrived outside her classroom there was a long queue of people waiting outside her door, and through the windows I could see a woman with short blonde, almost white, hair and a purple top that showed… a bit too much… who was getting her lesson ready on the board. “Hey,” I recognized the voice immediately, it was Liam, he must have the same class as me. I turned around.


“So how was your first lesson at Waterloo Road?” He asked me, leaning against the wall next to me.

“Good,” I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and pulled it out to find that I had one text. It was from Jayden. “miss u, boring here without u” it read.

“Have you met Miss. Haydock before?” Liam said, bringing me back to the real world.

“No, what’s she like?”
“Well, let’s just say you’re in for a shock,” He said with a grin as we started to make our way into the classroom.

"Hi Miss, I'm Dani, it's my first day,"

"Ok, can you sit next to Liam please," She said, sitting on the front of her wooden desk, brushing out her tight skirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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