What a Hunk... (Damon Salvatore)

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You and Caroline were headed into the school like any other day, talking as you walked down the hall to get to your classes. As you walked down the hall, talking, you'd bumped into someone.

"Oh. Sorry!" You said as you took a step back. You bent down to pick your stuff up off the ground, as they had fallen, and the person you bumped into went to help.

"No problem." You stood and saw him then. Icy blue eyes, raven black hair, and a smirk that could kill. You struggled for words before finally saying, "I didn't see you. Sorry."

He shrugged, "It's really no problem. I would have found a reason to bump into you anyway." You blushed slightly at the guy's words and said, "Hmm." That was all you could come up with because you were too busy trying not to look in his eyes.

Caroline smiled at the guy as she pulled you back to her side, "Hey, what's your name?"

The guy looked at the both of you before saying, "Damon Salvatore." Caroline's eyes widened, "As in, Stefan's brother?"

Damon rolled his eyes and said, "His much more handsome brother. Obviously. How about you two lovely ladies?"

You spoke up first, finally finding words that made sense, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"Caroline Forbes." Your friend said after. She held her hand out and Damon shook it. You did the same and he shook yours as well, his eyes lingering on you for a moment. "It is so nice to meet you." He winked at the two of you, before his eyes darted to you for a moment and then back.

Caroline bit her lip slightly and said, "Well, we should be getting to class now."

Damon shrugged, "Great. See you around." He began walking away, still facing you both. He gave you another wink before turning around and leaving. You took a breath to gather yourself and as you and Caroline began walking to your class, Caroline muttered, "What a hunk, am I right?"

You just hummed in response, walking to your class and half listening to Caroline as she spoke to you, trying to get Damon out of your head.


You don't know how you were so easily affected by Damon, but you were so now, here you were, at lunch and barely paying any attention to the conversation being held at the table.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Caroline asked as she nudged your shoulder. You were brought back to reality as you said, "Oh, sorry. Go ahead."

She sighed and rolled her eyes and explained, "We're doing something this weekend.A party." You furrowed your brows, "How many people?"

Caroline put her hands up in defense and explained, "Hey, chill! There's only going to be five of us."

You narrowed your eyes before sighing, "Okay, but the second it turns into some sort of ridiculous rage party, I'm out." Caroline nodded, "Okay!"

School ended eventually and you all headed home. Caroline sent you the information for the party.

Salvatore house. Bring drinks. Bring that really good thing you make too.

You rolled your eyes and responded with a simple 'okay'. You looked over the text again and realized that the party was at the Salvatore house. Of course it was.

"Maybe Damon wouldn't be there and I can have a good time not being distracted by those damn blue eyes." You said to yourself.


After making the desert Caroline loved so much, you got in your car, took a deep breath, and headed to the Salvatores, picking Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena up on your way there.

"Did you make it?" Caroline asked hopefully. You nodded and gave her a smile as you motioned to the desert on the seat. "Yay!" She cheered as she reached over to grab it, you smacking her hand away.

As you came up on the Salvatore house, you were surprised. It was pretty big and decent. You'd never been there before, to everyone's surprise, seeing as you and Stefan were pretty good friends.

You and the girls go out of the car and headed inside, your deserts carefully in your arms. As you stepped into the house, you looked around. It was really nice.

You almost bumped into someone and you looked up to thankfully see Stefan. "Whoops, my bad." You said as you took a step back, readjusting the treats.

"It's fine. Let me take that for you." He said, his hands out for the deserts. You handed them to him and he went to go put them on the table. Caroline showed you around before you all finally sat down and started the so-called 'party'.

You'd had enough drinks to be considered drunk but not enough to actually qualify as drunk. You sat on a sofa, drink in hand, your feet kicked up and babbling on about how your school needed hot teachers.

Caroline took over, being sidetracked from when you mentioned one of the teachers, talking about how she didn't want to do a test that was coming up. When you were about to say something again, someone came by, grabbing your drink from your hands and drinking from the cup.

"Hey!" You said, reaching for it. You grabbed the cup and looked up at the person who'd stolen it. You stopped when you saw Damon Salvatore look at you with those blue eyes. "Hey." You said.

He smirked, "Well, hello, again." You brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and said, "Hi." He looked at the cup, taking another drink and then offering it to you. You said, "That's fine. Go ahead."

He shrugged and sat next to you. You sighed because now you couldn't ignore his existence and get a hold of your feelings. He joined in the conversation, to the hesitation of everyone before fitting right in after a couple more drinks.

The night stretched on and you had a few more drinks, now qualifying as a little drunk. Your legs were thrown over Damon's lap, your back leaning against the arm of the sofa as you talked with everyone.

Soon enough, though, everyone slowly decided to get home. Damon opted to drive you homes since you weren't in the best condition to drive. You agreed and he drove you back home.

You and Damon sat in the car, you talking about whatever your tipsy mind decided to bring up. When Damon pulled into your driveway, he got to your side, opening your door and helping you stand.

You grabbed onto his arms, then looking up at him with a small smile. "Thanks." You said, your voice slightly slurred. Damon shrugged, "I had nothing better to do."

He directed you toward your front door and you stood there, Damon in front of you as he got ready to open the door. You both stood there, gazing for a little too long. Your darted back and forth between his lips and his eyes, fascinated with both. The way his lips curled into a smirk, the ways his eyes stared into yours.

He chuckled and you looked up at him and asked, "What?"

He stepped closer and you didn't know whether you should as well or if you should step back, so you stayed where you were. He placed a finger under your chin to make you look at him again and asked, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

You panicked slightly, saying, "What? No! Why...would you think that?" He shook his head and had you look into his eyes before saying, "Let's try this again....Do you want me to kiss you?"

Suddenly, you spoke, your words not exactly what you wanted to say but the truth nonetheless. "Yes." You plainly said. He shrugged, "Why didn't you just say so?" He leaned forward, capturing your lips in his.

Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him back with unexpected passion. Soon, he pulled away from your lips and said, "I'll see you around, Y/N." He walked away, getting in his car and driving away.

You giggled slightly, a side effect from the drinks, and entered your home. You then said to yourself, a hint of hope in your voice, "Yes, you will because I left my car at your place."

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