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As time went by and the town was rebuilt, quests were distributed, and more and more people came to Loudwater. A Tiefling named Morthos arrived in the town one day, and Shaka took a liking to him quickly. the more time I spent around the church, the more I found myself liking Shaka, teaching him and talking to him how I used to do Ront, it made me miss him. My letters home became more frequent, to ensure Ront did not forget me in my absence, and to make sure my parents knew that I was still alive.

I spent more time questing and looking after the common folk residing in the church. And as the frost arrived, so did Brackir. He arrived not long after a quest to meet a Kadiv and close a portal at the bottle of a lake that had been causing us issues. He was a knight of house Evenfall, such a gentleman. He was always the first to come to my aid or help in any form, a kind soul, and respectful of nobility. He was handsome, even for a dragonborn, his white scales reflecting the light in any room, and his smile causing my heart to flutter.  I loved to tease him as much as I did Shaka, his respect and gentle nature made it far too easy to embarrass him with a cheeky wink or offhanded comment. We ended up being assigned the same rank and quested together almost every week...even in dark or dangerous situations, being around him made me feel stronger, if only I could tell him that.

                The guild ran some winter games for us, they were a lot of fun, snowball fighting, cooking, ice skating, fishing and wrestling on an ice platform! I wasn't very good at many of the games, thanks to me being warm blooded and cloven hooved, but I did excel at the ice skating, even if I did have to cheat a little. By wild shaping I was able to climb the perimeter wall and avoid the traps, as well as cutting my movement distance almost in half. The look on everyone's faces were priceless, especially when Morthos saw me leap past his floating squid with no issue.

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