Who are you?

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Y/N woke up not knowing her surroundings or even the state that she was in. She looked down at the maroon sweatshirt she was wearing. It was gross, mud stains littered across it. She took a small sniff at the material and sworn she was going to vomit.

She stood up and looked around. She was in an alleyway a bunch of homeless people sitting on cardboard boxes and shopping carts filled to the brim with stuff. Seems like they were going through it.

She looked down seeing she too was on a cardboard box.

Where the fuck is she?

"Ryan! Oh than god you are awake. I thought that man killed you!" A tall lanky boyish looking man jogged up to her. First thing he did was check for any harm on y/n's body.

"Whose Ryan?" Y/n asked the boyish man. He was wearing a large dirty beige jacket over a flannel. His jeans looked like he'd been mauled by a bear but he didn't seem to care too much. The beanie he wore had a few holes but that's about it. He had bright blue eyes but beautiful dark skin minus the small amount of mud on his cheeks.

His facial expression changed dramatically. Confusion. That was the word. The boyish man was confused.

"Ryan are you okay? You did have a fall but I didn't think it was that bad." He started to mess with y/n's eyes, opening them up wide.

Y/n pushed his hand away, eyebrows furrowing at the unwanted attention.

"Don't touch me. My name is not Ryan." He looked even more confused.

"I don't under-" He was cut short when Y/n's hand flew up to her head. The sound of ringing piercing out the sound of the boyish man's voice.

She fell to the ground still gripping her head as the ringing continued. She started screaming out in pain.

"What!? Ryan! Ryan!" He was frantic trying to grab her and hold her. When his hand landed on her shoulder hers flew out power coursing threw it as he flew to the brick wall behind him.

Shocked, Y/n looked at her hand and then the man in fetal passion, passed out.

What just happened?!

People were staring at her, some of them looked like they knew her as they started slowly walking towards her.

All she thought to do was sprint. She sprinted past the many different people.

Running. Running as fast has she could.

She got to a safe place, beside a dumpster. No one can see her break down.

She held herself as she cried. She doesn't know who she is and how the fuck that happened.

What was that ringing?


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