Dickwad angels

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Winchester's pov

The boys walked up the police talking to some homeless guy. He did not look to great. He was sat on the back of an ambulance his head wrapped up in bandages. The police report said his name was Chris Flee.

"Hello officer, my name is Agent Smith this is also Agent Smith, no relation. That over there is Agent Spears, no relations to Britney." Dean announces as he and Sam show their badges while pointing to Cas who was checking the crime scene.

"FBI? Why the FBI getting involved?" The officer asked as he crossed his arms while looking the two men up and down.

"We have a few other cases like these. So we were called." Sam explained nicely which made the cop roll his eyes and walk away.

"I hate cops." Was Dean's only response as they walk closer to the victim.

"Agent Smith and Agent Smith, no relation. We want to ask you a few questions." Dean said as he put his badge away.

"I've already answered a bunch of questions. I just want to be left alone." His voice whines as he lifted up his hand to hold at his head.

"We just want to ask a few. Just simple questions and we'll be on our way." Sam reassured him with his award winning puppy eyes. Which seemed to work because he gave a small nod.

"You said you knew her. Right?" He gave another nod at Dean's question.

"Okay, can you give us her name?" Sam piped up looking at Chris with soft eyes.

"Her name is Ryan Ness. She- she was my girlfriend."  He seemed heart broken his voice wavering and breaking as he spoke.

Sam nodded thinking up his next question.

"Did Ryan seem different that day or maybe a few days before that?" Dean questioned looking Chris up and down.

Chris thought for a bit. He thought back before last night.

"I didn't tell this to the police because they already thought I was crazy." He had tear brimming his crystal blue eyes. The boys sat up straight at the sentence.

"What did you not tell them?" Sam pressed and prepared himself for what was to come out his mouth.

"She said an angel was asking for her permission. That she'll save us and all our friends." He was shaking his head in disbelief. "But that's crazy right?" He kept shaking his head while holding at it.

"Okay we are done here." A paramedic interrupted and started to calm him.

The boys walked off with a nod.

"Angel huh?" Dean shrugged at his own comment as Sam rolled his eyes.

"Cas was right." Dean shot him a bitch face which made his brother go smug. 

They walked to Cas who was squat down by the brick wall Chris was thrown into. Dean winced at the sight. It was almost caved in. Well not exactly but you can tell where he was thrown into. 

"That right there had to hurt." Dean commented as he pointed at the bricks. Sam rolled his eyes as he began to speak with Castiel.

"Chris said that Ryan was being ask for permission from an angel. That the angel would help her and her friends." Cas looked over to the younger Winchester and nodded. 

"I assumed it was an angel. No regular demon could do this much damage to a brick wall. What confuses me is that all the angel's have perfectly good vessels. Why did this one have to change?" Cas asked the boys as he continued to look at the distressed wall.

"Maybe they didn't have a vessel in the first place." Sam put together with a small shrug. This comment made the fallen angel nod his head in approval. 

"If this angel didn't have a vessel in the first place then this isn't a normal dickwad of an angel. Archangel? Like a different one that we didn't know about?" Dean asked. He was very confused on this situation. Cas did say that he did not think it was a nephilim and that all angels have good vessel. What kind of angel is it?

"The archangels are dead. There couldn't be another archangel of our unknowing." Cas look as equally confused as Dean.

"Then what the hell is it?" Dean's frantic voice echoed in the angel's ears.

He had no idea.


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