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So as everyone know dede was dating a girl named paige and they been having problem we dont know what the problems were though but dede started liking on this other girl and he broke up with her if you watch funnymike vlogs or whatever you want to call it they said dede broke up with paige. Funnymike asked dede about him and paige clearly funnymike was just trying to be petty like always, but dede responded with "CRUSH?!, IM SINGLE" (i would put the video but i dont know how to on a laptop so bare with me the video was posted on funnymike channel and labeled "dede3x broke up with his crush & flight wants to 1v1 funnymike" so ig im just tell yall the youtube channels and the name until further notice.)

Paige went live and was talking about her and dedes relationship. Someones comment stuckn out the most to me if you payed attention it said "why'd you bring it to social media.." i dont know why it stuck out it just did. i guess she was reading the comments and she said "it was nothing like that... um just stuff you know... *problems* thats all. so clearly they been having problems aint nothing new but why bring up now has me wondering is it because of the new girl that he is crushing on? we will never know...  The people Paige was with a boy said "why you go to chase clout" people were commenting and you can tell he was making a joke out of it but to me it was strange because Paige put the camera where you can see the ceiling when he said that and it got quiet but she started to show the top of her head talking about starbuck clearly she was try to change the subject because she didnt want to talk about the sitituation anymore after ole boy said. she soon said "No we are not together" clearly she was talking about dede becasue she was only in a relationship with him as far as we know. (The channel is Funnymike_ent "rapalotkid.paige talks about her break up with dede3x on live!! do you think she used him for clout") 

I was really bored so i started watch all sorts of stuff but a came across a youtube video and ole boy had his proof ready but it wasnt enough it was just one screan shot anyone could of mad that and fake like paige really wanted him. but ole boy is ugly and i dont think paige would downgrade so i dont know because the screanshot look so real (i dont know who this boy is i do not watch his youtube i just cam across the video decided to watch it) (dede crush texted me out of no where his youtube channel is AntTheVibe but i feel like he lying because he also have 2 videos about asyaa, and one about jay... His videos are pretty much saying he way asyaa but dont even know how to say her name to be honest he seems delusional, he claims asyaa wants him just by her or who ever it is saying "your not ugly" but they didnt say he was cute either but it was really strange to me. 

Right after dede and paige broke up dede got him a new crush the girl is really pretty in my opinion she looks better than paige . On funnymikes vlog dede asked the girl out the girl rejected him because she said he was moving too fast which i agreed . I dont know whats her reason for saying it but he just got out of a relationship and trying to get in another one if he want a relationship so bad he should have stayed with paige.

I saw a live video and it was Paige she said her and dede were still together and someone said dede got a new girl and she responded with "WHO?!" .  I was connecting the dots along the way and dede and paige been having problems the problems could be that dede was cheating on her and she found out that he was cheating again when she was on live and resulted to her contacting him and him breaking up with her for someone else.....  THIS IS WHAT I THINK SO DONT COME FOR ME SAYING THAT I GOT EVERYTHING WRONG PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER AND IT STARTS TO MAKE SINCE SLOWLY BY SLOWLY IF YOU DISAGREE OH WELL !

Im done with this topic!

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