The End Of Old Faces

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Part 2, to New and Old Faces

Warning: arson, violence, assault on women, abuse, animal attack, mention of drugs, mention of blood. PTSD mention. Murder of children. Scary theme. Caution when reading.

You could feel your life coming to an end as the smoke covered you. The breath in you disappearing. The memories of your childhood dancing in your head. Moments of love flashing before your eyes. The kids, oh the kids. How you would miss everything about them, their first date, their graduation, their wedding, grandkids. All of it would be gone forever. But at least you saw them enter the world and take their first breath, ready to concur the world.

Thomas, he would be left alone to raise the kids. He's a great dad, he's in good hands. The moment you met him you knew you wanted to marry him. He was everything to you. He made you feel like you mattered in the world. Made you feel like you meant something, not like the others. He made you feel loved, actual love. But that was the memory you wanted of him, before it was to late.

The smoke poured out the windows of the top floor, Thomas was watching his wife die even through brick. He knew she was suffering.

"I need to go in there. You have to let me in". Thomas pleaded with Hank. He couldn't just stand by and let you die. Not this time, not ever. Ace circled around Thomas, he knew something was wrong.

"You can't just go into a burning building. You'll get yourself killed". Hank made Thomas focus on him as he kept looking at the burning building.

"If she dies, I couldn't live with myself if I knew that I could've done something, anything to save her".

"Let the firemen do their jobs". Voight calmly told Thomas. Then a idea popped in his head. Kelly the fireman was his brother in law. So he found Kelly.

"I can't let you just go in. It's not safe". Kelly said getting his oxygen tank on.

"Kelly, my wife is in there. I'm going, with or without you".

"Fine. Get a tank on". Thomas let out a sigh of relief. He grabbed a tank and Herrmann helped him. He couldn't get in that building fast enough.

Asher laid on top of you, barking. She barked at the flames as they got closer. She was helpless but she stayed with you to make you feel not so alone. She only knew you for a few hours and it felt like she would give her life for you. That was one loyal dog. A great piece of the family.

You felt sleepy, your eyes fluttered open and closed. The window breaking made you jump. It was Caleb coming back to finish the job, you just knew it. And you were ready to fight. Even if you still died, you still fought and won. That would be an okay way of going out.

Hearing boots hit the floor and come running towards you, Asher started growling and you were ready. The smokey figure went to pick you up and let him have it. Throwing punches and digging your nails into his face. You remembered one time you tried doing this to Caleb when he had one of his episodes but he over powered you easily. This man seemed different he didn't fight back and he just carried you. Soon you were outside, Asher barking behind you as another fireman brought her out, the fireman carried you down the ladder and everything after that was a blank.

The monitor beeped repeatedly as Thomas watched you from the door way. You're sedated, you took in a lot of smoke so they had to tube you and gave you oxygen to help. Thomas has seen you at your worse and this was the top five. He was helpless, right now. The only thing keeping him sane was his kids, his friends and his Ace. Ace laid at the foot of the bed on the ground, the bed was occupied by Asher. She didnt let anyone get to close to you. Not even Thomas, Ace was an exception, he smelt nice. Asher wasnt to fond of Thomas at first until she saw Thomas hold your hand and she land her head on his head and she knew he was alright. Thomas patted her head with appropriation. He was glad she was there and saved his wife. She'd be a great addition to their family.

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