4th Of July

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"Happy fourth everyone". All your family and friends cheered as they raised their glasses. It was turning out to be the best day, Kelly, Thomas and Jay were grilling. The kids were playing and laughing. Having a great time. Life couldn't get better than this.

"Happy belated fathers day". You came up behind Thomas wrapping your arms around him. He had missed fathers day with a undercover assignment out of town so you just decided to celebrate today and fathers day together.

"Thank you. I'd have to say this has been one of the greatest days". He kissed your head that was laying on his shoulder.

"I'm glad. Just hate that you have to celebrate it late".

"I know my kids love me and appreciate me, I dont need a day to tell me that".

"They do and so do I". You kissed his lips, slapping his butt as you went to the girls with a giggle.

"So Y/N, when were you going to tell us"? Gabby asked, eyeing you.

"What"? You let out a nervous laugh as you grabbed a chip from the table.

"That Laura got accepted to a early college. She's  almost thirteen and she's already has Harvard knocking at her door". Gabby gasped.

"Oh. Yeah, she's excited. We told her we had to talk about it since they want her there, she has to stay at the dorms and have a teacher with her all the time. Thomas is just a little worried about that".

"But that's great. That she got a big ivy league school coming after her".

"It is. Just I didnt know I would be loosing a baby so soon to college". You faked cried then let out a laugh. Making the others laugh.

"Hey guys, foods done". Kelly yelled over the screams and laughter of kids as they squirted water guns at each other.

"Kids first, then ladies". Thomas told the guys as they rushed over to the food.
He wrapped his arm around your waist.

"We need to get a kid then we can get first in line". You heard Adam mumble to Kevin, who let out a roaring laugh.

"That'd be one messed up kid". Jay walked over to them, slapping a hot dog on Adam's plate.

"At least we get fed first". Adam took a bite of the hotdog. 

"You know, he dropped that on the ground"? Hermann informed Adam. Adam spat the hotdog out and growled at Jay shaking the weinie at him.

"Our friends are crazy". You sighed laying your head on Thomas's shoulder.

"Yeah. And we picked Jay to be a godparent. I'd hate to see what he would feed the kids. Dropped spaghetti anyone"? Thomas laughed mocking Jay.

After the cookout, the kids were winding down and they also had a sugar crash after the third or fourth popsicle that their uncles gave them.

You all were waiting for the fireworks to start. It was a fire and police department tradition to watch the fireworks together since the families were brought together by you and Thomas.

"You think the triplets will be okay without their noise cancelling headphones this year"? You asked Thomas.

"They should be okay but if not I'll just take them to the car or something".

"Okay". You replied as the first firework went off. The park was filled with ohs and aws. The kids seemed to really enjoy them.

The firework show was going well, it was almost time for the grand finaly. You were most excited for that. But something wasn't right when the last firework went off.

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