Interview #4

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A/N: Okay, so this interview is with @Swaggawagon, who was on Figure It Out! So, these questions were changed to fit in with that. Hope you like it the same!

Henderwhore Out <3

1) So, for everyone here, when were you on Figure It Out, and who else was on?

I actually went filming in late September, but the show is going to come on sometime in January (near the end of the series that is running now). So, if you fan me, you'll be able to hear what the exact date is so you can watch it. I was just about flipping my pants when I figured out that James Maslow and Carlos Pena Jr. were going to be on my episode because:

1) I wasn't a super massive Rusher at the time, but I nkew they were hot.

2) They weren't even supposed to be in any of the FIO episode because they were on tourthe whole time the FIO season was filmed. They just happened to be in LA, in the right place at the right time. (So basically my episode is the only time you'll see any BTR boys on FIO)

Also, Ciara Bravo and Noah Munck were on my show. Yeah, Gibby was on my show :D. Then at lunch, I ran into MAx Schneider (almost literally) and took a few pics with him.


2) Favourite BTR guy?

James of course! Carlos was extremely nice and loved my wallets (my secret talent is "crochet wallets from recycled bags") but it was sort of awkward because I'm taller than him. James, who is 6ft 1", was gorgeous in every which way,AND he really loved my drawing of Jeff Sutphen (you'll see that on the show too). Also, I've gotta say he's got some pretty ripped back muscles (I would know, I gave him a HUGE hug)

3) What did being on the show teach you?

It definately taught me what its like to have cameras in my face all the time.I literally had SOMEONE in my face the entire day, whether it be the make-up ladythe fashion lady, someone taking my picture, or the producer, Brian Morrison. People told me that I was a "natural" while the show was filming. I guess they were right, because I sat in the audience and watched the shows that were filmed after me, I saw that the contestants were shy.  So I learned better acting skills. :)

4) Inspirations in life?

God is first and foremost for me :D I guess James Maslow is one of my inspirations, since he's famous and I want to be famous one day. Stephanie Meyer is alos one of my inspirations, she she is a successful author, and I aim to be a successful author someday. I guess I have other smaller inspirations,but I'm too lazy to type them cause there's a LOT.

5) How would you feel about the show stopping and the boys continuing with just music?

I am honestly close to the point of crying. That has to be Nickelodeon's best show. It never fails to make me laugh. Don't scare me like that! There's actually going to be a fourth season with only 13 episodes. I'm glad they're continuing as a band though.  I'm actually using one of my art pieces (go to: to see it, it's the dotted portrait of BTR) as my ticket into one of their concerts in Atlanta coming up. Carlos wanted to give me VIP tickets and he told me to bring my artwork, so I'm SUPER excited for that :) I hope they remain a band for a long time!

6) Favourite animal?

Okay, so I have this dog named Teddy, and it's a Havi-poo. CUTEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!! That is my favourite animal, all dog, but Havi-poos especially. I lvoe James's dog Fox. Fox is cute too!

7) Favourite colour?

My favourite colour has to be either pink or green. James's favourite colour is green BTW. I would know...I stalk him on Facebook :D

8) How would you describe BTR to someone who oesn't know who they are?

BTR is, in my opinion, underrated.. It is about a group of four halarious boys who all have different personalities, but somehow remain best friends. The show is all about their crazy experiences as a famous band, which are all funny if I might add. People always say "BTR sucks!" only because it is a nickelodeon show, but as I said before, it has to be nickelodeon's best show. You won't be disappointed when you watch it.

9) 1D or The Wanted?

DON'T EVER SAY 1D AGAIN OR I WILL FIND YOU AND RIP YOUR HEAD OFF.   As you can tell, I hate 1D and everything about them. Compare them to BTR:

-They can't sing (in my opinion)

-They can't dance

-They can't act

-They're muscles are the size of my wrists (my wrists are pretty small)

-Most of them can't play an instrument (James can play piano, drums and guitar. Logan plays piano and guitar. Kendall plays guitar. I'm pretty sure Carlos palys guitar too)

-They steal everything from BTR since they both record with Sony Records. You know the song "Cover Girl" by BTR? 1D copied it with "What Makes You Beautiful")


-Have you ever heard Carlos sing solo? It makes me want to fall asleep (in a good way)

Sooooo, I don't really like the Wanted that much, but they are WAY better than 1D.

Kay, one thing though. WMYB was written and realeased here in Europe before Cover Girl.

10) LASTLY, do you have a favourite bromance between BTR? If so, WHICH?

If you mean bromance... NOT GAY LOVE! I honestly am convinced that James and Carlos are best friends. They seem to do everything together. I think that's so awesome, since they are both my favorite :D

Also, to make a last shout out (I'm promoting my book) please read "Halfway There". It's humorous, it's dramatic, it's romantic, and it's BTR! I know how James, and Carlos act off camera, so it's not one of those stupid gushy fanfics where one of the BTR members fall in love withing the first chapter. No, it's a lot more interesting than that.

Xoxo NB

Well, thank you for that interview! That was awesome!

So, hope you liked it! Oh, and just so you know, one shots and interviews aren;t included in my weekly updates. They are just done when I can. 


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