Interview #6

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A/N: Okay, so this interview is with the one and only @loganjadewest!! 



Henderwhore Out <3

1) What made you start this account?

I started this account when I was on and I saw a quiz saying, "DO YOU HAVE A WATTPAD?" and I thought to myself, Hmmm, so I made one, and I began reading a lot of books and I began writing (well I've always have written when I was in 4th grade just not in a long time..) but yeah...

2)If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Everyone knows this answer: LOGAN HENDERSON. Sexy man right here:3

SAME. Lol.

3) If someone gave you the chance to meet BTR and have them at your birthday, how would you react?

Oh God .. I think I would fucking faint. Yes, yes I would. I would faint, and probably give them all great big hugs. Cause I'm a hugger:3

Again, same. I'm a hugger too, unless its and adult. Then its just weird.

4) Twilight or Harry Potter?

Both.  I don't mind Twilight, nor do I mind Harry Potter.

5) Favourite bromance between the guys?

 Favourite bromance.  Jesus Christ..I guess Kogan. (mah two favorites) i think those are FUCKING HOT! dude, i think boyxboy's are smexy and I know they're smexy cuz i get turned on. I don't know y...but yeah..YOU GUYS DID NOT SEE ANYTHING! GO KOGAN! KOGAN WILL RULE THE WORLD SOMEDAY AND EVERY GURL WILL LOVE THEM!

6) Straight, gay, bisexual or undecided?

I'm into guys ....... .so yeah I'm straight all the way. I could say so much moar on this..but I don't wanna creep anyone out...XD

7) Favourite story on here?

Oh my, there's so many favorite stories. I just can't choose! I think I would have to go with "Dragon's Claim" Amazing story, and I love the plot to it.


8) 1D and The Wanted. Thoughts?

1D all the way.  I love 1D, and I think their music is pretty cool, and the guys are hot! (not as hot as BTR just sayin..XD)

9) If you had the chance to meet BTR, who would you take with you?

Hmmm my cousin, you, Abbey, Jess, LJ, and Mimi:3 totally we'd be all like rockin out to BTR and getting great hugs from them. Hell yeah buddy:3

We totally would. XD

10) Can you give your fans who are reading this 3 things they don't know about you?

Oh Jesus Christ,  three things that my fans don't know...hmmmm

One: My father left me when I was younger, so I have a step dad.

Two: : Something deep happened to me when I was eight. Not going to say it, or get into details

Three: I have three brothers and five (counting me) sisters.

Well, that's cool, I have three sisters and two brothers, but I have a niece and nephew too, so big family :).

Thanks sweetie! Okay, so after this one, there will be an interview with Mimi, and with one other person, then this book will be closed for the foreseeable future (unless I have free time).

Cudos to @xxMusicPrincessxx for coming up with 9&10!! THANK YOU WIFEY!!


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