~Chapter 12~

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Saturday couldn't come quick enough for Evie and Mae. Mae had finally convinced Evie that Elias threw amazing parties and there was never much trouble, so Evie had agreed to go. After their horse-riding lesson, the two friends found Brooke and walked back to McCormick to decide what to wear. Evie just wanted to wear her normal clothes – a short-sleeved blue shirt, black jeans, and a blue hat – but Mae and Brooke were trying to convince her to wear something a little bit more 'feminine' (apparently this would catch male attention).

"Come on Evie, it's only one night," Brooke said as she handed Evie a royal blue halter neck dress with a sash around the waist.

"Please try it on Evie, you'll look stunning. All the boys will be drooling over you." Mae said as she held the dress against Evie. 'But what if I don't want to impress the boys?' Evie thought to herself.

"Fine. I'll try it on, but I won't wear it to this stupid party." Evie took the dress from Mae and went to the bathroom to change. The material felt foreign against her skin as she pulled it on, Evie couldn't remember the last time she had worn clothing like this. Once she had got it on, Evie walked back out to where Mae and Brooke were.

"Ooooo, look at you. I still can't believe you won't wear it to the party, you look a-ma-zing." Mae gasped out as she saw Evie.

"Wow," was all Brooke could get out as she looked at Evie who was hating all of the attention.

"Are you happy now?" Evie questioned her friends as she grabbed a nice light-blue, long-sleeved shirt and black jeans out of her wardrobe and changed in the bathroom.

"At least let us do something with your hair, maybe plait it or something," Mae said as Evie handed the dress back to her.

"Sure, just no make-up or anything." Brooke pulled Evie to the bench in front of the mirror and sat her down.

"Right, let's try a French braid." Brooke pulled Evie's hair behind her and started fiddling with it, pulling the hair into 3 separate strands before braiding it.

After a while, Brooke had finished. She took a picture of the back of Evie's head and showed it to her.

"Okay, that does look good. But I won't wear the dress." Evie was surprised at how good Brooke had managed to make her hair look.

"Oh my god Evie, you look so good. Do a little twirl." Mae asked so Evie did a shy spin, the braid flying out. Whilst Evie had been getting changed in the bathroom, Mae and Brooke and gotten changed into their dresses for the party. Mae was wearing a short, black dress which had a v-shaped neckline and a row of sparkling sequins across the waist while Brooke wore a knee-length white dress with colourful embroidered birds and a round neckline.

"Who's even taking us? I'm guessing we're not walking." Evie asked, the question had been playing on her mind all day but hadn't found a relevant time to ask.

"Cassiopeia Nikolaidis from the year above, she's got enough room in her car for us lot and one of her friends," Mae answered as the group walked out of the dorm room. Many students were in the hallways, dressed for the party as they waited for friends and partners. Abraxas and Alfredo were stood outside the building, Abraxas looking pissed with a cigarette hanging on his lips as Alfredo tried to persuade him to go.

"Hey Evie, you off to Elias'?" Alfredo walked towards them as he heard the trio pass.

"Yeah, you need a lift?" Evie asked, then immediately face-palmed as she remembered the Porsche.

"Nah, got the car," Alfredo chuckled before turning serious, "can you convince this stubborn fucker he needs to come so I don't have to walk." Evie saw Abraxas smirk as he crushed the cigarette under his foot, walking towards the small group.

"You do realise you could just drive yourself, babe," Abraxas said as he put his arm around Alfredo's waist and ruffled the smaller boy's neatly gelled hair.

"Hey!" Alfredo playfully slapped Abraxas' muscular arm.

"Sorry Alfredo, you're gonna have to convince him yourself, Cassi's waiting for us," Mae said as she pulled Evie towards a Land Rover Discovery which was idling on the edge of the car park. The trio climbed in and the girl driving headed out of the school grounds.

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