Chapter Three

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Zeus' POV

To say I was angry was an understatement, Those terrible people did that to my mate, their queen. I told Betty to take her to the palace. I had some issues to settle with that pack.

I barged into the Alpha's office, once he saw my face expression, I'm sure he knew what was happening, 'How dare you!?' I bellowed at him. 'My mate!!, I will wipe out your entire pack including you'
'I'm sorry, Alpha King, we didn't know she was your mate, we were just teaching her a lesson'  said the Alpha
At that time, the luna, beta and some pack members were already gathered.
'A lesson? A lesson? What lesson ?'
' Her mum was a slut who drugged me and had sex with me, she was the product of that mistake, we just thought since her mother was a slut, she will be too'
As soon as he was done with his stupid story, I gripped his neck and broke it. His pack members gasped, I turned to them and said 'From now on, you are all declared rogues and I decree on other packs to kill anyone of you they sight near their properties' They all knelt down begging, I told them to vacate the property before I come back. I tore my clothes turning to my wolf, I felt sad and useless, all this times I was enjoying at the palace not knowing my mate was being abused.
When I got to the palace, I saw Hennessy sleeping on the coach in the first floor. I ran to her and picked her up, she cuddle up to me, smiling. My mind was at peace. I dropped her on the bed gently. I laid next to her and hugged her before I fell asleep.

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