Chapter 1:A minus crystal

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Schools. Educational places where the young generation are formed for the future. And from those schools one of the finest is Crystal Prep.

Many times a school is named hell. Well, if that's one of the finest hell than lucky the most devilish man is transfering there. Kumagawa Misogi, don't piss him off and your soul will be spared.

 Kumagawa Misogi, don't piss him off and your soul will be spared

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He walked through the halwai to meet the principal. There were some high horsed students who given him glares but he was sure to throw back one of his sinister smiles. Just so he would be imprimed in their nighmares.

He in final finded the office of the principal. The woman in charge of the school Abacus Chinch. Or how she is known Principal Chinch.

Chinch:Ah, mister Kumagawa I suppose

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Chinch:Ah, mister Kumagawa I suppose.

Kumagawa:[That's right.]

Chinch:Please take a seat.

Kumagawa:[Thank you.]

Chinch:Now mister Kumagawa. Our school have a great reputation to uphold. We are alwais the winners of friendship games, especialy to Canterlot. Do you have any talent you could show me.

Kumagawa:[I have screws.]



A oversized screw appeared in his hand. He threw it and screwed the wall leaved markings.

Kumagawa:[Oh, how impolite of me. I made such a mess. Please, let me clean it.]

In the next moment the screw dissapered. And so did the damage made. Chinch was very surprised.

Chinch:That sure was...something.

Kumagawa:[Well, most people have natural talents. Mine is more supernatural.]

Chinch:Well, I'm sure it could be useful in the future. Anithing else.

Kumagawa:[Well, I alwais use my screws so I have a great accuracy.]

Chinch:Oh, then you could be an excelent asset for the archery club.

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