8 years old now

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So it's been 4 years since I have become apart of this family and I still love it. They feed me and still play with me. But I am starting to play less and less maybe it's because I'm more older and just want to sit around and be a chill cat. I am still a healthy cat as I know of. My favorite spot to stay at is by the window. Looking at all the cars go by and watch people go by. My owner Sarah is now 16 and is always out with friends since she is a high schooler now. I see her when she is not as busy. The other owners are always at work but they still have time for me when they are not as busy as well. I love being in this family they love me and care for me. I hear cars go by and then I see my owners coming home. Yay they are home! I jump up and run to the door to greet them by purring and meowing.

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