1. Back story

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Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik have been on the run for about two years now. They have been running away from Russian mafias who wants to eliminate them since their escape from the human trafficking ring. Actually, they are the only two, to successfully escape since the start of it. All of those who tried running, they were found and got brutally disposed with immediate effect.

Although the two call each other brothers, they are not blood related. They were kidnapped at a younger age. Louis was six and Zayn was ten when they were kidnapped with other 50 children from different states.

Louis is from a little town in northern England called Doncaster and Zayn is from Bradford. The two were put in the same cell and that's how they met and vowed to protect and treat each other like blood brothers.

They were sold to sleep with rich men and when done brought back to their little cells, get drugged and get used all over again. It was traumatic to them, especially to the straight boys like Zayn. Not like the gays and bisexuals were any less. overall they were all brutally treated.

The mafias took the gay and petite boys like Louis, and made experiments of transition on them to see if they would be able to conceive. The transitions went well which wasn't much of the problem, the problem was when men were brought in to sleep with them and suppose to impregnate them. And if they do get pregnant, they would be taken away to Narnia. Zayn didn't want to be separated from Louis. So, the Bradford bad boy decided every time Louis get pregnant, he will use Jik and mix it with toilet paper and whatnots, and give it to the boy to drink it, which lead to miscarriages. It's fatal of coarse but they had to take their chances.

Later on, the muscled up boys like Zayn, were trained how to fight and how to hack everything. How to pick locks, drive cars and airplanes, I mean everything that would turn them into big over-experienced criminals.
Since Zayn was naturally smart and big headed, he came off as trustworthy and naturally a Mafioso. So the men in charge were quick to promote him, and made him security. That meant completely separating from Louis.

Zayn didn't have much of a problem blending in, but the poor Doncaster boy was having a major separation anxiety. He depended on Zayn so much he wasn't used to doing things on his own.
It was really scary for the boy at first, but when he turned fourteen, they were put into different groups, and were taught to act and seduce and betray. Everything they can do to steal money with intelligence from the rich men they were set up with.
They were also taught a lot of foreign languages. Every place they move to, they learn the language the people in that area, or country interacts in and mastered their accents too. And that's how Louis learned how to have a conversation with different people. Acting.


One day, while they were moving in Japan, Tokyo to be exact, a miracle 'like Zayn calls it' happened. They were in their way to the place they were going to stay while they do business. Zayn was driving the Van in front, and lucky for him, Louis was put in the same van. In their way, somewhere in the middle of the city, there was a commotion of some kind going on which lead to a traffic jam. So Zayn bumped the Van in a car in front of them, creating even more of a commotion.

Now lots of people crowded them, trying to find out what happened. While some of the securities and a few mafias were trying to shoo people away and have them calm down so the police won't be involved and all that, Zayn took that opportunity, grabbed Louis' hand and ran disappearing into the crowd.
They took a train to Narnia and they had been running ever since.
They have been caught several times but they always slip away. Zayn hacked in their system one day and asked them for a truce. He knew they were scared he will expose them but he told them he wouldn't expose them if they stop looking for them and forget about their existence all together.
They didn't wanna cooperate at first. They didn't trust Zayn since he was smart and don't forget about the fact that he betrayed them. But far at the end, they listened to him, and maybe realised that chasing them was just a waste of time and their money. So they did stop all together.


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