A Lot of Love

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Every time I think about love,

A strange nostalgia hits me,

There is pain of old memories,

And regret—

And fear—

And a lot of excitement?

I don't know, love is a strange mystery.

Who will love a mystery like me?

With those mysterious eyes...

And layers and layers of enigma and intrigue?

Who will find the patience to look at and love...

Love a mystery like me?

Pain is how I define love,

Because whenever and whoever I loved,

Had to leave me...

Or I left them.

There is pain in getting close, pain in getting to know,

Pain in loving—

But the pain is worth it, right?

A lot of love is pain,

And a lot of patience—

A lot of love is sacrifice—

But only a few are worthy of that pain,

Only for a few would you bear the sacrifice.

Sometimes I want to time travel,

Ten years... twenty years...

Am I still alone?

Still searching for love?

Still far away from home?

Or protected, loved, admired?


With love, happiness and satisfaction?

I don't know if someone will ever care to notice,

The strange light in my eyes,

The way my lips curl when I smile,

The slight crinkling of the eyes when I smile,

The dimples on my cheeks...

Who will?

Who will notice the way I think?

The way I dream, the way I work hard?

Who will fall in love with me, for me?

Who will? Who can?

A lot of love is pain,

And separation—


A lot of it is happiness and fulfillment,

A lot of it is an enigma, divine.

And here I am,

Yet to experience it!

How would it be?

To be loved—

Beyond the boundaries of a family?

To be loved—

Beyond this world?

Somewhere, someone is waiting,

Just like me—

Or not? Who knows!

But I want to be loved,

And never left alone.

But a lot of love is pain,

And a lot of it is sacrifice—

But some are worth the pain,

And some are worth all the sacrifice.

I don't want to be separated from all those I love,

But separation is a necessary evil, isn't it?

I am waiting for this separation to be over—

And the spring of my life!

No matter how long the winter is,

How grey the sky,

How cold the rain,

Someone will notice the color of my cheeks—

Someone will read the words of my mind—

Someone. Someone?

But do you love you?

Every time you look at the mirror,

Does that smile,

Those hair,

Those eyes,

Do they intrigue you too?

When you look at where you have come,

Does your journey inspire you too?

A lot of love is pain—




But a lot of it is self-love too!

Before you rise in love,

With another soul as pure as you,

Don't forget to ask yourself,

'Do you love you?'

Because you can't serve with an empty vessel,

But a vessel full of love will serve others as much as it serves you!

This existence is a gift of the Universe,

Fill it with love,

Cherish it and spread it too!

A lot of love is pain—

Patience and sacrifice—

But before you set out to find love,

Or decide to let it find you,

Make sure to ask yourself,

'Do you love you?'


The Wanderer's DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon