All Art Comes From Pain

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I still remember that phantom of a touch,

When the last time someone held my hand,

And that tingling feeling—

When someone looked into my eyes; full of love.

I still remember the pain I felt,

When my poor heart was stomped on, kicked—

I still remember,

The taste of my own tears—

The sound of my own misery.

All art comes from pain!

Because when the last time I felt pain,

I remember wrenching my heart out,

Mixing that pain with my own blood,

And with that magical ink—

I wrote the most beautiful poetry in the entire Universe!

All art comes from pain!

The last time I felt the pangs of pain,

What I witnessed was magic.

I saw how Sun changed the water in to gold,

And as the clouds covered the Sun—

I saw how it all changed to silver!

When my heart was pained,

When my heart longed for home,

Is when I first wrote how pain felt like—

When I first felt the pain of loneliness,

Is when I first realized the value of love,

Is when I first wrote about the beauty of my own soul.

All art comes from pain!

I don't remember any happy artist—

Nor do I remember how,

A happy artist made art!

It was always pain—



Raw, unfiltered emotion,

That wrecked their existence—

And made art!

Chaos was always art!

Longing is art!

Heartbreak is art!

Waiting is art!

Unrequited love is art!

All that pains is art—

All that squeezes you from the inside is art!

While some decide to channel this art,




Feels incompetent, sometimes—


It feels so fulfilling!

All art is born from intense pain,

While most embrace the pain, like an old friend,

Others can't,

And life, ends.

Pain is a part of life—

Live with it—

Make it your friend, and—

Make art!

All art comes from pain!

And I—

I rejoice in this pain, in this suffering!
I too will find my shore someday—

Till then I embrace this pain,

With that magical ink,

I will continue to write the most beautiful poetry of the entire Universe!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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