It's All A Lie

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Yerin's POV

"Bye Mom! We're going now!"

I hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks. Eunha did the same.

"Take care!" Mom said while waving her hand.

We went outside and entered the school bus that is waiting for us. Eunha persisted me to not use my bike when going to school. She said that she wants her eonni to accompany her always. I'm so touched at that time but I realized that she just wants me to pay for her. Geez! Silly bunny.

"Eonni," she called me so I removed my earphones and turned to her.


"Do you still have feelings for her?"

I quickly turned away upon hearing that.

"What kind of question is that? Are you going to tease me because of what happened last night?"

She laughed cutely and giggled.

"Ahehe! Andwae! It's just that I can see that you still love her."

"Mwo? You know what? Stop saying nonsense things, okay? Just focus on your exams today," I put my earphones back but Eunha keeps on nagging me.

"Ihhh eonni! I can also see that Sinb-yah still loves you. I saw it in her eyes!"

With that, I stopped for a while. How's that possible? She said before that she doesn't need me in her life anymore. She said that she didn't love me actually. She said that I'm the biggest mistake in her life. She said that she wants to forget about me. And what's the meaning of that? After saying all of those incisive words, after treating me coldly, she'll act like that? Am I a joke to her? Tsk.

I can't still forget about what happened last night. She kissed my nose. That's what I always wanted but now she did that deliberately.
And we smiled at each other. What the fudge?! Am I going crazy? I want to be mad at her! I want to ignore her! But my heart can't. It's giving me hope to trust her again with her.

"Whatever unnie! Maybe I'm just imagining things," she said and took her phone and began scrolling. Hays, what am I going to do with my heart?


"Classes of organic compounds can be distinguished according to functional groups they contain. A functional group is a group of atoms that is largely responsible for the chemical behavior of the parent molecule," Miss Sunmi, our Chemistry teacher explained while pointing the PowerPoint presentation on the board.

Well, I guess I'm the only one who's paying attention and listening attentively in this class. They are all busy doing something. Some are sleeping and playing games on their phone. Tsk. They never really liked Chemistry so I pity Miss Sunmi for teaching us patiently because they aren't listening.

"Different molecules containing the same kind of functional group or groups undergo similar reactions. Thus, by learning the characteristic properties of common functional groups, we can study and understand the properties of many organic compounds. So......... Mino, stand up!" Miss Sunmi looked at the back and I saw a tall guy who stood up that has messy hair.

Wait, is he the one from yesterday? Ah right! He's the one who accidentally hit me with a soccer ball. I didn't know that he's my classmate.

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