The Awakening

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??? Pov
The sun was blinding as I opened my eyes, rubbing my eyes I sat up slowly and looked at my surroundings. I was in a field on grass and bush. My memory core was damaged so I didn't remember much of how I got there, but I do remember that I had weapons and that I also had a distress beacon somewhere. I looked around without getting up first then saw that none of my belongings were near me so I had to get up and look. After look for some time I had found my energy katanas and my beacon.

'Should I press it?' I thought, just staring at the button in wonderment 'If I did who would answer? Surely I haven't been shut down for too long' Without another thought I pressed the button. It lit up and started blinking very slowly, sitting down, I waited till someone was to come and pick me up then fill me on what happened while I was shutdown.

Starlight: Hello! I know this is short but I wanted to put just the awakening part into one chapter then have the other parts on the other chapters :)

???: Do I not get a name yet? *annoyed face*

Starlight: Hush now, you'll get your name in the next chapter! But for now, we must leave the readers on a cliffhanger >:) I'm mean like that, I know but it's okay.

Chapter two coming soon

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