Chapter 1: Scared

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Y/n pov

I slowly began waking up with a throbbing feeling in my head. My body ached from what I guessed was from laying down on this floor for so long. I tried to open my eyes to see any source of light but to my surprise they were already open. I started to feel very claustrophobic and began to panic. I was so scared and screamed for help but no-one answered. I began to cry, I had no idea where I was. I tried my hardest to remember how I got into this situation but my mind turned up empty. I tried to think of something easy like my name or where I lived but again my mind was blank. Then it hit me I didn't know my name or anything about me. I began to yell for help again but soon realized it wasn't going to get me anywhere. I slowly sat up and tried to crawl of out this dark place only to bump into one of the metal walls. I tried again in a different direction but no luck. I tried two more times but still hit the wall. Realizing this I knew i was stuck. I shot up starting to panic but my body was forced down by the gravity of the box coming to an immediate stop. During all of this time thinking I hadn't realized the box I was trapped in was moving upwards and fast.

After the box stopped I barley managed to hide behind some of the boxes inside before I heard voices. Soon a beam of sunlight struck my eyes. I was temporarily stunned when a tall boy with blond hair hopped into the box with me. I thought to myself "I wanted help but now when I got it, I didn't want it". I stayed in the exact place hoping the boy wouldn't see me. Unfortunately I think he knew I was here because he said "Hey greenie I know your there, I can see you" with a thick British accent and a small grin. He moved a few boxes that surrounded me and gasped.

"what is it Newt?"


"Newt what is it?"

He then said "It's a girl"

Everyone behind him gasped and started saying a jumble of words I couldn't process at the moment as I was still frozen in fear. I just wanted to get away from them. As the boy in the box slowly started to approach me I started to try to crawl away from him but he grabbed my arm before I could hide again. A dark skinned boy then said

"Okay shanks back up and wait for Newt to pull her out".

"Shanks? What kind of word is that" I thought to myself

They all listened to him as if he was the leader. The boy in the box then said

"Let's get you out of here greenie".

I obliged and climbed out of the box with the help of the blond boy and the dark skinned boy. I looked around and saw only teenage boys. I saw my surroundings, there was a forest to my left and huge walls surrounds the green patch of land. Then a boy with a short haircut and very toned figure walked towards me." Hey greenie welcome to the glade, I'm Gally" he said with a very sarcastic and harsh tone. I wanted to get away from them and before I knew it my legs just took off. I didn't know where to go but knew I had to get away. I heard the boys saying

"We've got a runner"

"Someone get her"

Before I knew it I heard pounding footsteps behind me. I had to get away. I quickly ran into the forest. Before I knew what to do I saw a big 25 ft pine tree. I heard the group of boys pounding feet coming towards me so I ran and started climbing the tree. I kept climbing until I was almost at the top of the tree. Then I heard branches breaking with a bunch of voices

"Where did she go"

Then I heard the dark skinned boy saying

"everyone fan out and find her she could get hurt in these woods"

They all spread out and began looking for me.

My hear was beating so fast I thought I might pass out. I just run about 500 meters but I was acting on adrenaline and it was running out.


So this is my first story so I'm sorry if it's bad. I have read all the books and seen the first movie so I might base some of the stuff off it but I'm not sure. Also only a few of these characters in this book will be mine all the rest belong to James dasher.

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