Chapter 3: Welcome to the glade

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A/n hey I am so sorry I'm posting late even though I only have 2 followers but that's okay I love you so much and appreciate you..

Y/n pov

I woke up again but this time to a boy walking over to my cell. Panic rushed through my body when the tall boy, which name was Gally, I think, walked over to the cell door. 

"Morning greenie. I brought you some food since we can't have our new greenbean starving." he spoke.

I ignored him since I didn't want to talk to him or anyone. "I'm not going to talk to any of them. They can't know I'm scared. I just have to act strong." I thought to myself. 

He kept trying to talk to me but I just kept my promise to myself and didn't talk. He sat there and talked for a while." How long have I been in here? When will I get let out?" These were the questions I was asking myself.

He finally left after talking my ear off but then another boy came to relive Gally of his post as the boy also begin trying to get me to talk. I did not know the name of this Boy or anything about him  but he talked as if we knew each other forever. I also ignored him. Soon another boy came to relive this boy. This happened a few time of boy switching trying to get me to talk. 

Finally after what seemed like an eternity a boy left and no one replaced him. I finally had time to myself. I got up from my corner and looked outside my cell and saw that it was dark. I went back to my spot and began thinking. I tried to sleep but with no luck. I tossed and turned all night. I let my hair down and a few Bobby pins fell out. I grabbed them and walked over to the lock on my cell. I began trying to pick it. After I had broken 2 pins I finally managed to unlock it.  I opened the dorm and climbed out. I saw that all the boys were still sleeping. I looked around in search of a weapon. I found a room with keys to my cell and a few machetes. I grabbed the keys and a machete. I sprinted to the forest and began trying to make a shelter for myself. I continued making a small cot for myself. As the sun began rising I layed down and fell into a deep sleep.

a/n hey guys sorry if this was short I just got a great idea for this series so I now have some motivation. Also this was basically a filler chapter so yeah love ya ugly shank noodles


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