Chapter 2:A Scary Start

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Y/n pov

Closer and closer the boys came to me but they all veered away from my tree. That was until the blond boy and a few others jogged my way. I tried to stay as still as possible hoping that they would go away but they slowed down by my tree. It looked like the boy I think he said his name was Gally from earlier and the blond boy were arguing.

"Gally if you want to go back to the homestead then go" the blond boy said

"Newt.." Gally interrupted

"No Gally, I'm sure Alby won't be mad that you just wanted to abandoned the girl that ran after you talked to her." Newt said

Gally's face was beet red after he said that comment.

"I'm sure she's scared out of her mind" Newt said

Then slowly turned towards my tree and said "weren't you"

Gally's face went from red to white in a matter of seconds.

I was froze in place when newt said in a calm tone of voice

"it's okay we're not here to hurt you. This bloody shank was just messing around" as he pointed to Gally " since your the first girl in the glade" Newt said.

Glade is that where I am? I thought to myself

Gally then apologized for scarring me. Newt the asked me nicely to climb down from the tree.

"How do I know your not going to hurt me if I come down?" I said barley loud enough for them to hear.

"Look I know you have no idea what's going on but I promise you'll be safe if you come down. We just want to help you." Newt said

I just shook my head and stayed where I was.

Newt then pointed to a boy and said "Chuck go tell Alby that we found her but it might take a while to get her out of the tree." The little boy with curly hair ran happily back to everyone else.

"if you won't come down from the tree I guess I'm coming u.." Newt began to say

"No" I cut him off " Do not come up here" I guess I didn't think that they could climb up here; stupid me I thought to myself.

Newt had continued trying to get me out of the tree but by the time it had started to get dark he and a few boys left and came back with its hammocks and blankets. I guess they figured I would have to come down eventually. I knew there was no way of escaping this. I stayed in the tree just looking at the stars when my stomach started begging for food. I knew I would have to come down for food eventually I thought to myself I'll just go down and look for food when they all fall asleep. Apparently Newt and the boys heard my stomach because they looked up at me with a pleading look. I choose to ignore my them and waited until darkness consumed me.

---- a few hours later ------

I woke up to the sound of my stomach again and knew I had to get food. I glanced down at the sleeping boys and decided I could sneak down and grab some food and climb back up. So I slowly descended down the tree. When I was on the ground I crept past the sleeping boys all of a sudden the boys whom I thought were sleeping grabbed me. I try to run and get away but their grip was just too strong. The boys started carrying me as I scream and cry at them to let me go but they just continue carrying me. The dark skinned boy appeared and told the boys to put me in the slammer. "Oh no what's the slammed are they going to kill me now" I thought to myself.

 I desperately tried to get away so I bit one of the boys carrying me. It ended up being newt. I felt bad but wanted to get away so I countinued to fight and scream till my body just couldn't anymore. I knew I couldn't get away being this tired and hungry I let them carry me to wherever they planned on taking me. They took me to a cell looking thing. They opened it up and put me in. As one boy was locking up my cell the dark skinned boy says

"Look I'm sorry grenenie we have to put you in here but we can't just have all these shanks chasing you around all night" with that the dark skinned boy walked away.

Newt the blond boy came up to me and said

"I'm so sorry we had to put you in here but we needed you to calm down and stay safe while we figure this all out. I was awake the whole time and heard your stomach growl so I grabbed a sandwich from frypans kitchen for you." After he handed me the sandwich through the bar I snatched it and inspected it to make sure I wasn't poisoned; then gulped it down like I hadn't eaten in a week. "I probably haven't eaten in a week knowing my luck" I thought to myself.

That night I just sat and stared at the wall. Not caring who saw me or what they thought of me.

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