Chapter 23

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It is Tuesday and I can't believe that it is the 6th day of being on the cruise. I look at Quinton and he's still asleep. I got dressed. This is what I wore.

Quinton woke up and saw me in this outfit

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Quinton woke up and saw me in this outfit.

Quinton: I love your top, it reminds me of a shirt that I have.

Me: Oh yeah! I know what your talking about!

Quinton: Yeah haha.

Me: Today the boat is gonna stop on an island.

Quinton: Where?

Me: I think we're in Havana

Quinton: That's nice. Do the guys know?

Me: I'm not sure, I'll go tell them.

Quinton: Okay

I go into Bryce and Griffins room and i knock on the door and Griffin opens it.

Griffin: Hey Maddy!

Me: Hi! Did you know that the ship is stopping in Havana for the day?

Griffin: It is?

Me: Yeah

Griffin: That's cool

Bryce comes out of the bathroom completely naked

Me and Griffin: (screams) BRYCE!

Bryce: HOLY S***!

Bryce runs back into the bathroom

Me and Griffin were hugging each other with fear.

Me: That was scary.

Griffin: I know, I know

Bryce comes back in with shorts on

Me: You know there are towels in the bathroom

Bryce: Sorry about that, I didn't know you were coming.

Me: Well anyways, the ship is stopping in Havana for the day.

Bryce: Wait so we're coming off the boat?

Me: Yes

Bryce: Ooh nice!

Me: You guys can tell the others, I'm gonna go get Quinton so we can eat breakfast.

Griffin: Okay bye Maddy

Me: Bye!

I leave Bryce and Griffins room and I come back to my room.

Quinton: Hey Maddy how did it go?

Me: It was good , I told Griffin and Bryce, but the only bad thing was that Bryce walked in completely naked

Quinton: Eww why

Me: I don't know because he's Bryce

Quinton: Haha

Me: Let's go get breakfast.

Quinton: Okay

We went to get breakfast and then we heard an announcement on the loud speaker saying that we arrived in Havana and we can come off the ship.

Me: OMG we're here!

Quinton: I know! Let's go!

Me and Quinton walk off the ship and we waited for the others.

Josh: Hey!

Me: Hi! Quinton look! Everyone else is here!

Quinton: Hey guys

Nessa: OMG this island is beautiful!

Me: It is beautiful!

We were on the beach and we went inside a bar.

Bryce: Are we all gonna go to the beach?

Avani: Um yeah of course!

Jaden: Definitely

Me: Wait we're gonna go swimming too?

Bryce: Yeah

Me: Uh oh

Bryce: What happened?

Me: I forgot my bathing suit on the ship

Anthony: I think you they will let you go back in the ship.

Me: It's okay I didn't feel like swimming anyways

Bryce: Well we need to find lockers rooms so we can all change, so Maddy can you stay here and watch our stuff?

Me: Sure

Everyone goes to the locker rooms to change and I am at the bar with there stuff.

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