Chapter One - Depart

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    "Mom! Don't worry I'll be fine!" I say pulling away from my moms grip. "Are you sure you don't want us to pay for a better apartment?" She asks letting go of my white blouse. "Yes! I want to be an independent women mom!" I said grabbing a water bottle. "Be careful sweetie! California is big and you could get hurt easily!!" She said.

    "Dad, tell her I'll be fine." I sighed. "Don't worry Lillian... my girl Nova is strong enough to handle it on her own." He said patting my moms shoulders. "I promise I'll call you if anything goes wrong." I said looking at my parents. "It's not like I don't know how to do anything." I say grabbing my bags. "You have everything?" Mom said, her voice calming down.

    "Take this." I looked over at my mom who held a moon shaped necklace. "This is my mothers good luck charm. I want you to have it." She saids folding the necklace into my hands. "But isn't this important to you?" I ask shaking my head. "Yes, but I want you to have it." She said squeezing my hand.

    "Thank you mom." I said wiping my face. "Aww come on Lilian don't make her cry." My dad said giving me a hug. "Dad! I'm not crying!! Can you please unsuffocate me now?" I sniffed a little.

Beep beep!

    "Thats the uber!" I said giving my parents on last hug. "I love you Nova!" My mom said as I walk out the door. "I love you too!" I say waving good bye to her.

    I hop in the uber and my driver takes me
to the airport. New me. I thought smiling to myself. We arrived at the airport and I opened the door. The uber pulled out my bags and assisted me to the front door. "Thank you." I said walking inside.

    I sighed in relieved. I always loved going to airports knowing that I'll travel somewhere new. I went through security and sat down near a Starbucks cafe. I ordered a small iced coffee and put in my air pods.

    I scrolled through instagram while listening to my favorite artist. Then it was time for me to aboard the plane. I quickly texted my mom telling her I was on the plane. It was around 4 pm and I just finished my coffee. I quickly grabbed my bags and threw away my cup. California here I come! I thought squeezing the handle of my luggage.

    We slowly aboard the plane and I sit near the back. I get the window seat and an older man and his teenage daughter sat next to me. As we take off and are steady in the air I pull out a notebook and start writing. I loved to act but writing was also a big passion of mine! Then around 7pm we landed.

    Walking out of the airport I call a taxi and drive me to my apartment. As we pull up the apartment it a couple stories high and looks clean. Thanking the driver I enter inside the building. A wave of vanilla hits me. In the front there is a little fire place and seating area. I smile at the old lady running the apartment.

    "Hello ma'am." I say sweetly. "You must be Nova?" She asks flipping through a book. "Ah yes thats me." I say. "Your key." The lady says passing me a key to my apartment. "Thank you." I reply walking away. I walk up the stairs to my floor. Floor 3 room 5. I opened the door.

    Everything was empty. It had no furniture, the walls were all white. A brown wood floor was stretched to ever inch of the apartment. It was a small studio with a tiny bathroom. The stove was a bit run down but it was still clean non the less. I drop all my bags and lay down on the floor. "First I need some furniture." I say. It was already 8pm and no store would be open that long.

    I unpack my bags and set my stuff around. Then taking out a new pair of clothes and I towel I take a shower. Changing into black shorts and a baggy green shirt I brush my teeth and then went to my "bedroom" or soon to be. Tying my messy black hair
up into a bun I grabbed a couple blankets and pillows from my suitcase and fall asleep on the floor.

- Next Day -

The next day I wake up and brush my teeth. Applying a bit of mascara and concealer and gloss I change into jean shorts and a white crop top. I then walk down the stairs and say good morning to the lady. I walk towards the nearest starbucks which was only 10 minutes away. I stopped for a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Walking out of the store I then call a taxi to get my new car. I need one for the moving and in general. I think as we appear at the dealership. Thankfully I had planned it all out and I just needed to pick up my car. It wasn't grand. Just a small black polished used car.

I drive out of the dealership and to the nearest furniture store. IKEA. I didn't have much money to spend only about 2k left. All I needed was a couch, table, chairs, and a tv stand. After hauling them into my car and with the help of some services for the couch it went back into my apartment.

I set up a small living room next to the kitchen and then the table lined next to my fridge. A couple of chairs which would also double as a desk. Then I placed a mattress for my bedroom and a couple throw pillows and blankets on my couch and bed. For my closet I had a small drawer next to my bed which could hold everything I needed.

I also set up a rack for my dresses and coats near my bed. Finally it was all done. Placing a couple plants here and there with a few decorations I finally finished. Looking back and marveling at my work. Then I checked my account. Sighing as I only had $200 left due to spending it all on this. I opened a window next to my bed to get some light inside.

Suddenly I hear a voice calling out to me. "Hey neighbor!" I looked out. It was a boy. "Yes?" I said to him. "Whats with all the noise!" He said. "Oh I just moved in here!" I said. "Oh." He said with a frown. "You miss someone who use to live here?" I ask looking at him. "No no its nothing." He said waving his hands. "What's your name?" I ask him to make things less awkward. "Draco Fay! You?" He yelled over the cars driving by. "Nova! Nova Smith!" I smiled.

    "Aren't you that young actor from New Jersey?" He asks.

"How'd you know?!" I said puzzled.

"I'm a director here and I look all over the world for actors!" He said looking up at me.

"Oh! What movies have you directed." I ask.

"Nothing big! I directed "Lover Away", "Bella's Past", and a couple horror films!

"Never heard of it!" I said, he frowns.

"That's fine!" He smiled looking up at me. "Maybe one day we could work together!" He suggested.

"That sounds great!" I said smiling. I cannot wait to start auditioning!

End of Chapter One.

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