Chapter Three - Is it a Date?

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- Next Day -

I wake up as my alarm went off on my phone. I open the window and glanced down at Draco's apartment. He was shirtless and Astra laid on top of his bare chest.

Flipping my blankets off I take a shower and change into a tight white ribbed shirt and a floral maxi skirt. Tying my hair in a cute bun I apply a little bit of concealer, mascara, lip gloss, and blush. I smile into the mirror. Making my bed I grab my purse, keys, and phone.

Walking out of the door to my car I see no movement from Draco's apartment, and the silver car is gone. Maybe its her personal driver that left. I think getting into my humid car. Turning the AC on I drive down to a starbucks that me and Max we're going to meet at.

As I pull up I see him in a dark blue shirt and shorts. His hair is messy and he looks tired. "Hey!" I say walking out of my car. "Hi Nova." He said. "You look really pretty." He smiles and I giggle a little. We walk into the cafe and order our breakfast.

I grab our food and we sit down near the window. It was a pretty lazy morning. "Soo, when did you move?" He asks taking a bit of his breakfast sandwich. "Like a few days ago, I'm getting settled in." I say sipping on my coffee. "How long have you been here?" I asked.

"I moved here when I was young from Canada." He smiled. "Oh, soo how's law school?" I asked. "It's stressful but I want to be a lawyer like my mom." He turned away a little. We stayed there awkwardly. I took another sip and finished my cake pop. "Hey you want anything else?" He asked looking at my unfulfilling breakfast.

    "Nahh don't bother. I don't need much." I said shaking his offer off. "I don't eat much either way~." I smiled. "You sure?" He said backing off. I started to get goosebumps. Its always so cold in Starbucks. Max took a sip of his lemonade and noticed me holding my arms trying to warm them up.

    "How 'bout we go outside?" He said offering me his hand. "Sure." I said. We walked outside and I felt a little warmer. Then he hugged me from behind, "If you told me you get cold easily I would've brought my hoodie." He whispered. I could feel my face get red and nudged around. "Hey hey! Lil handsie here!" I said trying to break free from his grip.

     "Are you warm now?" He said. "Yes yes!" I said. "You don't like my bear hugs?" Max asked as we sat down. "Not with someone I just met!" I said. "Well we're practically like best friends now!" He chuckled. "You have a big ego Max." I said. "Some people like it." He said.

A car pulled up and parked right next to us. Draco and Astra walked out, holding hands. "Oh hi." Draco said glancing at me. "Who's that?" Max asked. "Errm some neighbor." I said turning back to Max. They walked inside and sat the farthest from us outside.

    "Soo you know Mr. Pretty boy?" Max teased. "Haha not really, he's a director for the movie I might make it into." I shrugged. "Ohh." He replied sipping his lemonade. "Kinda awkward. I met Astra his girlfriend yesterday." I said. "She's sorta b*tchy." I said twirling my coffee. "Ew, but isn't she the Vogue model?" Max asked. "Yeah... I think inside there some magazines with her in it." I said pointing to a small shelf of magazines.

    We threw away our trash and drove back home. "Thanks for hanging out with me!" I said to him. "Any time!" He smiled back.

    I walked into my apartment and slide down the door. Ding! I look at my phone and it's an email. "HOLY CRAP I GOT IN!" I screamed. I got into the movie! I quickly texted Max telling him the news.

Nova: Max!! I got into the movie!

Max: Oh my god congrats Nova!!

Nova: Thank youu :))

Max: wanna celebrate tonight?

Nova:sure where??

Max: theres this new downtown club we can go too!

Nova: suree! 

Max: i'll pick you up at 8pm!

Nova: see ya!

     "A club?" I said. I haven't been to one in a few years. It'll be fun. I went back to the email to see what my role was. It wasn't anything big, just the main characters best friend. I watch some TV to past the time and it was 7.34 pm  by then. "Time to get ready." I said. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I then changed into a black dress and silver heels.

     I apply some makeup on and hear a car honk from downstairs. I hop into Max's car. "You look very pretty!" He said driving. "Thank you!" I smiled. We chit chatted a little talking about out favorite movies. "We arrived." Max said, pulling up to a slightly crowded club.

End of Chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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