Where Am I? ❓

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Wake to the smell of kyphi. I love the smell of kyphi, the smell of home. My new home in Egypt. Running away from home was the best thing I ever did. If I had stayed I would have been killed. At least I'll have a better life now.

I open my eyes, "huh? Where am I?" I look around the strange room?

"My queen..."

I freeze hearing a males voice. Turn to my side, it's a male with tri-colour hair. Where's my knife?

He starts to stir, "good morning my love. How did you sleep?"

- Atem -

(Y/N) looks at me confused, I sit up take her hand.

"Let go of me!" She jumps out of bed. "Where have you taken me?"

"My love I don't understand. We're in your bedroom."

"This is not my hut!" She side steps to the window. "We're not Egypt anymore!"

I hop out of bed, make my way to her. "My love we're in Domino City, Japan. Don't you remember?"

"I remember falling to sleep in my hut in Egypt. I am not your lover! Stop calling me that!" She runs out of the room, I chase after her.

Her memories must be messing up. "My... (Y/N) stop!"

She stops in the kitchen and pulls out a knife. "How do you know my name?!" She points it at me.

"(Y/N) please put the knife down. I'll explain."

"No! You've kidnap me from my new home. Now I don't know where I am!"

"I didn't kidnap you, this is your home. I'm your..."


"No, I'm not. I would never hold you against your will. You're confused at the moment. Please listen to me!"

Knock Knock

Fuck! Someone heard us! (Y/N) looks to the door and back.

"You called back up! I'll kill you and them also."

"Hope we're not interrupting anything, hehe." Joey walks in, the others behind him.

They see (Y/N) with the knife. "Hey hey put down the knife (Y/N)!" Tristan holds his hands up.


"You would like me to put it down wouldn't ya? I'm not, I'm getting out of here one way or another. If I have to, I'll kill you's."

"(Y/N) calm down, we're your friends." Tèa

"Friends! My last lot of friends betrayed me! They handed me over so I could be killed for some prophecy." Tears started to run down her cheeks. "I didn't want to die! I just want to go home!"

I try to get closer to her, she turns back to me. "Stay away!" She swings at me, I jump out the away.

"(Y/N) stop this! Atem your boyfriend!" Yugi runs over.

"Atem...?" She goes fall I catch her, Yugi grabs the knife.

"Are yous alright?" Ryou asks over the bench.

"Yes, we're fine." I take (Y/N) in my arms, and walk over to the lounge.

"Atem what happen?" Duke comes over asks.

"I don't know, we were talking in bed. (Y/N) fell asleep. I woke up she was confused. Like her memories are a mess." I lay her on the lounge, brush the hair out of her face.

"Maybe her memories are fixing themselves?" Tèa suggested.


"She'll be alright Atem, you'll see." Yugi comes over.

"I hope so," she started to stir. "My l- (Y/N) are you okay?"

"Huh? What's going on?" I help her sit up.

"You tried to kill us!"

"Duke!" Tèa went off at him.

"I what? I'm so sorry! I don't remember anything."

"It's okay (Y/N), no one got hurt." She looks at me confess. "What is it?"


"It's okay (Y/N), no one got hurt." Ryou came over.

"Guys I'm so sorry." She holds her head.

"It's okay, how about I make yous some breakfast?" Yugi suggests.

"Thank you, Yugi. (Y/N) how about we get change?" She looks at me confused. "You can change first."

"I guess, we won't be too long."

"Take your time (Y/N)," Tèa says goes to help Yugi.

(Y/N) smiles, I take her hand lead her back to her room. Once we're in I close the door.

She turns around with a serious look on her face. "Did I do something wrong to you? Besides trying to kill you."

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"Why did you stop yourself from calling me, my love? What my memories go haywire and you want nothing to do with me? I'm sorry I had no idea what I was doing. I wasn't in control!"

"No, it's not that! I want everything of you. It's just you said..."

"Tell me! I have no idea what I did or what happens."

I take a deep breath, "you said you weren't my love."

"Really Atem?! By the sounds of it, the memory was from before we met. I don't understand why you're upset." She called me Atem. "Why are you smiling?"

I pull her in close, "you called me Atem."

She looks at me confused. "I always call you Atem, what else would you?"

Strange... "You don't remember calling me Yami?"

"Why would I call you Yami?"

"That what I'm called nowadays. Only my close friends call me Atem."

"I don't remember calling you Yami."

I cup her face, "it's okay my love. Your memories will fix themselves. I'll be here to help you every step of the way."

She rests her head on me, sighs. "I'm sorry what happened earlier. I'm sorry I can't remember anything about you."

I tilt her head up, "it's okay my love. Everything will sort themselves out." I kiss her, she kisses back. "Let's get dress, the others are waiting."

"Yes, I imagine breakfast would be getting cold."

I kiss her once more, I went changed in the bathroom. Waited for (Y/N) to come back out.

[ON HOLD] My Queen - Yami/Atem x Reader (Yu-Gi-Oh!)Where stories live. Discover now