the shatterings part one

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"Connie is now mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine" Steven says to himself. Steven them remembered the texts and decided to go to Connies house because she might be heartbroken. He wants to be the one that's there for her.

Well connie is mine now, she's going to be so heartbroken over Kevin that she'll call in love with me, how can it get any better than this? Steven said to himself before getting a text from Connie.

Text story

C:hey Steven

S:hey Connie what's up?

C: Kevin broke up with me

S:oh how come?

C:he said that he loved Jenny, I need some comfort because I'm home alone crying in my room

S:oh ok I'll be on my way to your house

C: really, thanks Steven see u when u get to my house

S:yea I'll see u to

End of conversation

He then puts his phone away and gets some clothes on. After he got dressed he got in his car and drove to Connie's house. When he gets to her house, he goes to the door and knocks on it. Connie opens the door and smiles when she sees Steven. "Steven!" Connie says with a big smile as she hugs Steven. "Hey Connie I'm happy to comfort u after what that awful Kevin did" Steven said hugging connie back. She let's him inside and then they go into her room and sit on her bed. They watch TV while cuddling, then Steven decides that he should confess now. "H-hey connie" Steven said looking at her. "What's up steven?" She asked looking at him. "Well I have something to tell u". "Oh ok Steven what is it?". "I love u connie and I'm pretty sure that I'll be better than Kevin". "Well Steven to tell u the truth I love u to, Kevin is always such a jerk to me and whenever we go on dates he is always flirting with other girls". "Oh no well I'm always here and I'll never let u go and I'll never let anyone touch or hurt u". "That's why I love u" she says as she hugs his arm. Steven and smiles. They spend the rest of the day watching TV and cuddling. After a few hours of them watching TV the both start getting tired. "Hey Connie we should go to bed, don't u think?" Steven asks. "Yes I think so to" Connie say as she turns off the tv. They then go to sleep. "Connie is finally mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine and I'll hurt anyone that touches her" he thinks to himself as he sleeps.

In the morning
Connie wakes up and looks at Steven who is still sleeping. She goes to get dressed and then goes to the kitchen. A few minutes later Steven wakes up. He looks around for connie everywhere but he couldn't find her, so he went out of the room and found her in the kitchen. "Morning Steven" connie says with a smile. "Oh hey Connie and yes good morning to you too" Stevens said while sitting down at the table. "I'm making waffles your favorite food" connie says as she puts some waffles on a plate. Steven smiles as she puts the plate of waffles in front of him. Steven puts syrup and popcorn on them he starts eating them. "Today I'm going to be training with pearl" connie says as she's playing on her phone. "Oh when will u be back?" Steven asks while eating his waffles. "I'll be back in a few days"connie says while walking over to her sword, grabbing it. "Oh alright I'll just be here for those few days waiting till u come home" Steven said while he finishes his waffles. Connie smiles as she gives him a kiss and then she grabs her sword and walks out of the house."no no no this can't be connie is going to be away from me for a couple of days I can't live without her I need to fix this but how?, Maybe I can shatter pearl and then connie won't have to go train with pearl if she's gone" Steven says to himself. He starts to plan how he will shatter pearl and then he went for it. The first part of his plan is to call pearl to take some of her time. He grabs his phone and calls pearl.

Phone call

S: hello pearl

P:oh hello Steven what's up and make this quick before I have to train Connie

S: well I just wanted to talk to u before connie gets there

P:oh really?

S:yes, so do u have a minute?

P:well I suppose I do when are u arriving?

S:I'll be there in a few minutes

P:oh ok Steven see u then

S: alright see u to bye pearl
End of call

Steven hangs up and puts his phone back into his pocket. He walks out the door and speeds to the temple. Pearl then sees him walk in and gives him a wave. "Oh Steven you've arrived" pearl says with excitement. "Yes I am" steven says smiles. "So what do u want to talk about?" Pearl asks. "Well I need to be alone with u to tell you" Steven said. "Oh of course excuse us for a minute" pearl says waving to amethyst and Garnet. They give a knod. Pearl and Steven go to her room. "So what is it u need to tell me?" Pearl asks. "Well I need to tell u that u shouldn't take connie away from me" Steven said getting a little mad. "Well I'm not taking connie away from u, I'm just training her and she's going to need a few days" pearl said. "But I can't stay away from connie for that long" Steven said clutching his fists. Pearl then starts to argue with him about it till Steven turns pink and grabs pearls gem. He then puts it on the ground and smashed it with his foot. "Hahahahaha connie will be mine and there is no one that can take her away or take any of her time" Steven said to himself as he grabs the shards and puts them in a little container that he put in his pocket. "I'll make connie a little present with these shards" he said smiling.

Hello everyone this is the end of the shatterings part one. I hope u enjoyed it. Sorry if I took so long to update I was updating more on my camp camp zodiacs book. U can go read it if u want. Anyway I'll see u guys in the next chapter bye guys.

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