the shatterings part two

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"I'm going to make connie a little present" he says as he puts the shards in his pocket.

He then walks out of the room to see Amethyst and Garnet looking at him. "Hey man what was your conversation with pearl about?" Amethyst asks while Garnet looks concerned. "Oh it was nothing I just had to get something off of my chest, u know she's like a therapist to me" Steven says scared that they're going to find out and tell Connie. Amethyst and Garnet don't say anything as he walks out the door. As soon as he walked out the door Connie was walking to the door. "Oh hey Steven u here for training to?" Connie asks with a smile on her face. "Oh sorry connie but pearl cancelled the training she said that she has to go on a date with bismuth, gosh she really does love bismuth" Steven said trying to hide any suspicions. "Yes she really does so anyway wanna go back to your house and play video games?" Connie asks. "Yes let's go" Steven then grabs Connie's hand and takes her to his house. They get to Stevens house and they begin to play video games, till one thought came to his mind.

If u want to get this present done for Connie then u better get it done now but where should he go to do it without Connie knowing, maybe u can go to her house and then leave early, yes that's a great idea.

"Hey Connie I think we should go to your house" Steven said smiling. "Oh ok let's go to my house" Connie says as she gets up and goes to her house. After an hour of talking Steven told her that he had to go home, and so he did then he grabbed the shards out if his pocket and made them into a necklace. "I know Connie will love this" Steven says to himself. Amethyst hears him talking and walks into the room "hey man u good I heard u talking?" Amethyst asks before she sees the necklace that he was making and she gasped. "S-steven why would you do that?! Amethyst asks freaking out.  "Oh well Amethyst I couldn't allow pearl to take connie away from me for a few days, I can't last that long without her" Steven says smiling. "I understand that but why couldn't you have talked to pearl about it? She would have rescheduled it" Amethyst was upset and mad at the same time. "No I don't want my Connie away from me for that long no matter when the day is" steven whisper yelled. "Just wait till Connie finds out about this she'll be so mad that she'll probably leave u" as soon as Amethyst said that Steven turns pink and looks at her. "U better not tell connie anything if u do I'll shatter u to, actually I should probably do that to make sure that u don't tell her" Steven says as he's growing. "No Steven it's not right to do that and Garnet is going to know about this she has future vision" amethyst stepped back as he was getting closer. "Well then I'll shatter her to, I'll shatter all the gems if they try and get in between me and connie I'll also kill anyone that gets in between us" he said laughing. "You're sick Steven" amethyst says with anger. As soon as she said that he grabbed her gem and shatters it putting it on the table next to the pearl necklace that he had made. "Well then I guess I'll make connie a nice pair of amethyst earrings surly she'll like them" he says to himself and laughed. Garnet heard him laughing and she knew why he was laughing so she came into the room with an angry expression on her face. "Oh hey Garnet what's up?" Steven asks smiling looking innocent. "Don't what's up me I know what u did and I am going to tell connie what u did" Garnet says. "Not if I can help it, I'll make sure that u join pearl and amethyst" Steven said with anger. Garnet trys to punch Steven but Steven blocked the attack and grabs her gems and them shattered them and puts them on the table. "Hahahahahahahahahahaha oh Connie is going to be so spoiled by the time I'm done killing and shattering gems, she'll love a Garnet ring to go with her earrings and necklace" Steven says to himself. He gets started making the earrings and ring. Then he put them in a box waiting for tomorrow. Early in the morning he put a note inside the box saying
I got these gifts for u I really hope you like them

He then uses lion to go take the box to Connie's house where he set them on her front door. He then goes home and goes back to sleep waiting for tomorrow.

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Anyway see you in the next chapter bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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