Chapter 2

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Austin was very nervous about today.He had to walk with Lesley around the whole school.What should I wear.Something Fancy,no.How about cool looking,no.All just go casual.Walking into class he started to get butterflies."Hey Austin what's up?"Kevin asked.(Austin's friend he made during lunch.)Nothing I'm just nervous that's all."About what."Kevin asked."All tell you during lunch ok."Sure."Said Kevin.Lesley just walked in talking to her friend Lauren.She looks unhappy.I hope it isn't because she has to walk with me."Ok well Austin and Lesley go ahead and start touring the school."Said the teacher."Ok."Lesley and I replied."Ok so what is your schedule,so I know where to show you around."Lesley asked me.Band,Strickland,chasani,Smith,Owens,and Rackley.By her face reaction I knew something was up.What's wrong I asked her."Nothing we just have all the same classes together."Oh.I can't believe I have all my classes with her."You can just ask me if you ever get lost."She said.Ok.She kept going on about the school and everything.I wasn't really listening though.I mean she just looked so pretty today.How her hair was perfectly down her shoulders and how she "Fake smiled."It seemed so real how she smiled to me.I know it was all just an act but still I admired how it looked.Some how we ended up in the office after all the walking and talking."Mrs.Kelly can we have a pass to go outside so I can show Austin around."Said Lesley."Sure just stay by the school,"said Mrs.Kelly.She showed me where the baseball field was and the football field.It was all pretty big.Lesley stoped for a few minutes so I said what first came to mind.Today is a beautiful day isn't it Olive.Did I really just say that out loud.I haven't called her that sense back then.She started to stare at me.Then her eyes filled with tears.Is it something I said I asked her scared of how she was going to reply.I started to walk closer to her to pay her back or something.She then pulled me in and started to cry in my shirt.I could tell because it was getting wet."O-Olive."She wispered in a sad/crying voice.You haven't changed a bit.I said while smiling at her.She started to say all these things like how I never called her,or replyed to her messages or anything all I could say was I know."Why didn't you ever respond,"She asked me.I didn't because I care about you."If you cared about me you would have responded then,"she said in a sad voice.Calm down Lesley it's ok."You even pretended to not know my name,"She said.My heart started to pound ,why did she have to do this to me,If she keeps doing this to me I might not be able to bare it.I thought to myself.Look I did all this stuff for a reason.Lesley then turned her eyes to mine.I did it because I couldn't bare the though of being away from you,I just couldn't bare the feelings running threw me.My heart started to pound.The though of being away from you made me want to burst out on tears.I just couldn't do it.Also how was I suppost to know that you cared about those things.You never talked to me after the day I said I Loved you.Do you not know how much that hurt.Everyday I was away from you my heart hurt.I never once stoped thinking about you.It was always you Lesley.I just couldn't bare to face you after that.Lesleys face started turn red like a hot pepper.You ok."Yea-h ,I-I'm fine.Well we better be going to class."Lesley said.Yeah let's go.On the way inside I opened the door for Lesley and smiled.This time she smiled back at me and it wasn't fake.Um all meet you in band I have something I need to get first."Ok."Said Lesley.Hey Mrs.Kelly could I get Lesleys address please.I winked while saying it."Sorry we can't give that information out but you will need a pass for class,"Mrs.Kelly said.She handed me the pass but it wasn't a pass it had an address on it.Thanks I said winking at her again."No problem,"she said smiling.I knew this weekend was going to be a good one for me and Lesley.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.Please vote,comment,and follow me.Thanks and Untill the next chapter ..........

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