Chapter 3

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Today I was going to take Lesley out for some fun.I felt so nervous.I bought her a scarf that matches mine.So people would know that she is mine and mine alone.Of course I ment that in a friendly way though,phhhhh.Also I got her favorite flowwer,the rose,which I only got I mean to be nice I mean really.

I felt my heart start to race while walking up to the door.I could hear someone's voice behind that door.I started to knock.On the door.I could hear someone approaching.It was Lesley.Lesley,I yelled out in a loud voice,Why did I just do that?I asked myself."One second," she yelled.She went to change.I think she looked rather adorable how she did earlier though.Her hair was all sleepy bed looking and she was wearing these cute shorts that fit her legs perfect.Wait what am I saying.I need to stop thinking about her like this, I mean we are only friends.Yeah,that's right were not going out or anything,but still why am I nervous."Bye mom I'm going out for a little bit,"Lesley said.I though why not scare her,it might be funny.So I hid behind the wall.She walked out"Were did he go,"She said.She started to turn around to go back inside.Then I jumped out at her.Boo I said.She turned around and punched me in the stomach.It really hurt to."I'm so sorry,are you ok,"she asked me.I'm fine.I said in a irritated voice.Oh yeah,I remembered the gift.I started to undo it she started to look really scared like I was about to ask her to marry me or something.I then pulled out the scarf and rapped it around her neck.Its so everyone knows your mine.I can't believe I just said that out loud.I turned my face away because I knew it was turning red,I mean like in a friend way.I said in a fast way."Oh thanks,"she said.She started to blush but then turned her head away from me.Oh and the flower.Here,I just saw it and I knew how much you liked them so I though I should get one for you.She came up to me and hugged me.She felt so cold,even the parts that were covered by her shirt were."Arigoto,"she said because I knew what that ment.(If your not sure,that means "Thank you)Yeah,no problem.Lesley then started to blush.She grabbed my sleves very tightly.Are you mad at me or something.I felt very worried or something.The look on her face made me worry."No just don't ever scare me like that,"she said.She turned her head away from me.So I started to lean towards in closer to her.You know you are really adorable.What's wrong with me.Telling a girl that,what's wrong with me.Lesley started to blush,which made me blush even more."W-We s-should get going,"Lesley said while stuttering.Well we're would my princess like to go today.I said in a very sarcastic voice."Don't call me that,"Lesley said in a mad voice.No promises my princess.Lesley then smacked me.It really hurt to.I have no clue why she keeps hitting me.It really hurts though."You can take me for coffee at starbucks,"Ok.I opened the door for her.Off we were to drink....


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