Chapter 5

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"Hey dude."I looked to the side of my locker and saw my friend Kevin.Oh hey.(Kevin had black hair,Brown eyes and is smaller then Austin)"So what's going on man?"Kevin asked me.What do you mean?"I mean with you and Lesley,"Kevin said.Nothing?My face started to light up.I don't like her like that ok.I started to walk off.I was about to go in the class when I noticed Lesley outside.I started to walk up to her.Then this dude showed up.I think he is in are class to.Lesley started to talk to him.She also smiled at him.I felt really weird right then watching her smile at him.I mean she rarely smiles at me.She then grabbed his sleve and pulled him in the class with her.What am I thinking I mean we're not going out,She also probably likes him.I mean I'm cool with that.Yeah that's right I-I.Never mind what happened I should be going to class.I walked in and sat in my desk.I didn't look at Lesley either.All of a sudden someone shouted,"Omg you go hear to!!!"I swear I knew that voice from someplace.I turned around in my seat and saw this girl.She-She was my X-Girlfriend.I haven't seen her in forever.I new her ever sense I was little.She has changed a bunch though her hair is shorter,she has grown taller,but her face was still the same.The same girl that I knew back then.I jumped out of my desk and speed walked towards her.I couldn't help but shout"Lilly!!.""Austin."Lilly shouted.It's been so long sense I have seen you."I know right,my you have changed Austin."Lilly said."Your taller,your hair is waveyer,your eyes have grown bluer,and you have Gorton cuter."Lilly told me.I felt my face light up.Oh um thank you.Lesley then started to tap my back."Hey Austin,"Lesley said.Oh-h hi."This is my best guy friend,Michale."Lesley told me.Did she just say he was her best guy friend,but I though me and her were.My heart skipped a beat.H-Hi there I'm Austin.Then I said this in a very low voice.Her not best guy friend.I stuck my hand out just to look nice.Oh this is my Ex-I mean Good friend of mine.Lilly looked at me in a weird way.I just pretended not to see it.Lilly then said,"Hi."Lesley looked and smiled a fake smile and said,"Hi."I started to feel bad about how I treated Lilly.Lesley then started to talk about how long she knew Michale.I wasn't listening though she was probably just saying how dreamy he was.Then I said.Well yeah me and Lilly have known each other even longer were really close.Lilly then looked at me and smiled.I couldn't help but do the same.Lesley then,"Can I talk to you real fast?"Um sure.All be right back Lilly.She pulled me in the hallway and gave me a box."Here I made this for you."Lesley said.I started to open it,it was a bracelet.It was pink not my color put I still smiled and said thank you.Wait how long did it take you to do this."I just stayed up a little to do it last night."Lesley said.Don't stay up to make things like this for me,we have school and you need your sleep."It's fine I wasn't tired,"she told me."Oh I have one to,"Lesley said.Hers was green,my favorite color.I got it then she wore my favorite color I wore hers.Oh so it's so we each have a piece of each other with us."No I just made it because you have me a scarf that's all."Oh so that's what it was,for a minute I actually though she did care about me I just stood there for a second covering up my mad face.Oh Sure I said to cover it up.The teacher then said,"Class come have a seat."I hugged Lesley and sat down.I couldn't help but feel mad and happy.I mean she made me something and it's so I have a piece of her,but she did say she only said it because I have her something.Lilly turned around in there desk then and smiled at me."I'm glad I get to be with you again Austin."Lilly said.I though to myself,what does that mean,I'm glad to get to be with you again.....


Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter because I did just writing it!!!!!Please vote,Comment,and follow me thanks,Until the next chapter................

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