His Final Breath

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    Joseph sits in the hospital waiting room, his legs crossed as he cries into his hands. The tears streaming down his face as the doctors try to save his lover. His mind is racing as he thinks about what life would be like without his beautiful baby boy, his chest hurt oh so badly but he couldn't even think about that since his precious boy is in way more pain. Joseph sat there for what felt like hours, getting up every once in a while to pace around the waiting room. After a while of thinking and crying the doctors come out of the room, Joseph looks at them, his eyes blood shot and tears still streaming down his cheeks.
 "I'm sorry..." The doctor said to him, Josephs eyes widen and he falls to the ground sobbing, the doctors try and comfort him but Joseph is out of it. He can't hear what they're saying over his sobbing and the shouting.
 "Y-You're lying! It's bullshit! Let me see him! Let me see Caesar!" Joseph yells at them and gets up, running over to Caesars hospital room and busts in. His eyes widen as he sees Caesar laying on the hospital bed, dead. He runs over to the bed and grabs Caesars cold hand, holding it tightly.
 "I-I'm so sorry- It's all my fault-" He sobs and kisses his hand. The doctors come in and help Joseph up.
 "Mr. Joestar you can't be in here-" One of the doctors say to him, Joseph just screams back at them.
 "I'm not leaving his side!" He yells shakily.

(Here's a small note: This is supposed to be a short lil story thing that I wrote!)

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