Watching Over You

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Caesar watches Joseph from heaven, wishing he could tell him that it's not all his fault. It was his fault too.. If he wasn't so stubborn and hot headed then he wouldn't have gone to defeat Wammu on his own. Joseph really hit a place in his heart, and he hit it way too hard. Joseph should have stayed quiet or said sorry but he didn't. Caesar had every right to be mad but he felt bad for leaving Joseph so broken and alone, no longer capable of love or happiness. It made Caesar sad that he has to watch Joseph live in regret. Caesar watches as Joseph puts beautiful flowers on his gravestone, every time he sees him place those flowers he wants to give him a kiss on the cheek to assure Joseph "it's okay." He wishes it didn't have to end like this, "there's always a happy ever after," Caesar used to read in books. He always had hope that one day he would have a happy family of his own and live peacefully, it turns out that happily ever afters in this story don't exist...

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