The Veteran

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I'm a d1 veteran and i play alot of destiny 2 too so im making my titan from D1 into veteran but hes going to do something different so alright

At noddle shot big male sighed as his ghost was floating around going to ikora to talk to her about Eris.....Condition after shadowkeep The male who dress like hunter is really titan as he spoke "One Spicy beef bowel please" the owner nods slides his already preaped bowel. You asked him who he is he chuckled "Names..."

The veteran

Full name
"My name is Ajax i can't recall my last name after i woke in russia but i do remember i was protecting someone from something"

"they call me AJ"

"Cayde BFF, Mad Bull, Titan faker many other things another some fallen call Black Kell of death and yes i understand Eliskni"

"We guardians Are ageless remember but my looks are 30 due to i live longer than you blueberry" he slurps up some noddles with chopsticks as he chews and shallow bite he took

"Male heh i know couple people that are well adverse in different gender"

"Human would be cool if i had a cyborg arm though poor asher mir."

"Pansexual sadly we guardians are infertile we cant have kids sadly our work is for her the traveller"

"Guardian of course" he opens a egg stirs it in his bowel

"Hmmm november cant recall the numbers my mind is kinda blank ya know" he eats again this time slowly as he hummed

"Im a titan of course dont let outfit misguide you"

"After cayde death i didn't trust vanguard the only person i trust was cayde i didn't like Zavala ikora was ok but too intune with knowledge so i met the drifter before cayde death he was intresting to say the least but after cayde and i shot uldern in his stupid face i Wanted more my ghost Ena didn't like it but hey i join the difter help him out trust me hes intresting so is the darkness" he looked serious before ordering soe sakē on the side


Ajax has Grown to have beard due to his time as a gaurdian he grew it after The taken king defeat

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Ajax has Grown to have beard due to his time as a gaurdian he grew it after The taken king defeat

"Hmm yes i can grow my beard thank goodness i makes me feel good" he whipped his beard"

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