Drifter's Guardians

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Im making a specilized Team of guardians who are on drifters gang but studied and or where effected by Dark alien races we see in destiny

The drifter walked threw his derelict seeing all the things he has a d ever needs soon his ghost bleeps "What is it" It replied "message from your specialized group the tracked down another Darkness Ship sadly they cannot reach it The Darkness Is deep Drifter sighs "Tell them to transmat back i need to talk to them" With that 3 guardians showed up an hour later as the drifter spoke "Your late brother" The leader of group spoke in deep yet robotic ton "Sorry busy trying to get back" Another retorted with Smartass tone "Trying not to be consumed by the dark" Another with slow yet elegant tone "Yes , the darkness had tendril like wisp grabbing at us, Words like poem filled our very minds with grandeur desire, Drifter, but we drove out unscathed" drifter spoke "easy, husk ol'drifter still ain't use to your Type of vocabulary i got bad news" the leader voice glitched to something demoniv "WhAT Is It NoW" drifter pulls out files on the Trio "The vanguard knows each of you there not happy" he looks up "MoonDust surpise i even have my own personal squad" Soon figure looks to see there files

File 8-1 The Siva Exo

This is the leader of this mistfit group saladin blames himself for this exo transformation and abilities by all accounts do not let him near anything technology or worst

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This is the leader of this mistfit group saladin blames himself for this exo transformation and abilities by all accounts do not let him near anything technology or worst

Fukusei-2 was normal gaurdian before red war and Siva Encounter he was best titan this world has ever known he help defeat Crota, He Killed draksis in the prison of elders, he personally crushed oryx court, Sadly siva was considered his biggest threat

25 but over centuries old due to the light


Siva infected Exo
Fukusei-2 was personally sent to deal with the outbreak sadly he could kill iron lords a siva pod open up and attacked him soon infecting himwe considered him dead.....His body was never found or recovered we now know why.


Rouge lightbearer

A ghost shell fused with shiva

His class

His subclass
Normal titan expect solar

Solar The last Iron Lord Gift
Most of ikora Spys Say that they last saw Fukusei-2 solar super to be that of broken 2 handed battle axe Resembles iron lord axe his siva side must have Consume the axe replicated it allow his super 2 fuse with it which Intrested ikora....it scares me what he can do

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