Chapter twelve.

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(Authors note: user bigmeanlesbian is indeed, a big mean lesbian.)

CRYSTAL HAD NEVER REALLY BEEN GOOD WITH THINGS LIKE BIRTHDAYS. She had always resulted in giving people $30 with a handmade card because she thought it made it more 'special'. But she couldn't do that with Gigi.

December had rolled around quicker than both of the girls had anticipated, it being six whole months since Crystal had first moved to Los Angeles and met Gigi.

December was also the month of Gigis birthday, luckily it was on a Saturday and her birthday was over a weekend, because Crystal was pretty positive she couldn't make what she planned to make Gigi after school hours.

Gigi and Crystal hadn't properly kissed since September, whenever they kissed outside of Gigi's house in the rain, I'm pretty sure it was because they were too scared to kiss again, they are lesbians; what do you expect?

The two girls often went on picnics at the river together, or would go to that little café after school and eat their blueberry croissants.

And there would be so much flirting. Like a weird amount of flirting. But the two girls didn't do a thing about it, they didn't go any further than their excessive compliments or hand holding. Nothing further than crystal making her and Gigi hug for twenty minutes just because she 'felt like it'- and it was hell for the both of them.

Crystal had already basically been outed to jackie by dahlia at the lunch table in September, Jackie didn't have a problem with it at all, being accepting and comforting to the girl when she needed it most, Jackie was definitely Crystals best friend.

When Jackie was told about Crystals crush on Gigi she was quite clearly surprised, but she was supportive, even though Jackie was pretty sure Gigi was straight. Jackie did everything in her power to help Crystal get with Gigi, but to her dismay they just remained friends. But In her head they were basically already married.

Crystal didn't know what to do for Gigis birthday in all honesty. She didn't want Gigi to think she was lame- or not trying, she wanted Gigi to know she cared, so she decided to put that across in her gift for the girl.

Crystal remembered about their shopping trip a few weeks prior to her birthday; the way Gigi complained about wanting the small little pink circular hand bag that was on one of the mannequins, complaining that she couldn't afford it with the money she brought. Gigi was rich- but she didn't waste a penny.

Crystal couldn't afford the five hundred and fifty dollar tiny bag; which she described as 'ridiculously overpriced' to Gigi after seeing the price point on the mannequin.

But if Crystal was good at anything; it was DIY.

Crystal spent three hours walking around a random craft store that was thirty looking for a zip, pink fabric and some rubber to help construct the bag. The girl thanked heavens her mom had a sewing machine.

Crystal had one night to make this bag for Gigi. And she knew she would not be sleeping anytime soon, but it was worth it.

Gigi had asked Crystal to meet her at the River at 10am, her parents were back in town and were stable on convincing Gigi to spend the day with them, and she couldn't say no, so they only had three hours together on the girls birthday.

Crystal got two hours of sleep that night, she had started making Gigis bag at nine in the afternoon and then finished at seven in the morning, giving her two hours of sleep and one hour to get ready for Gigis birthday.

She was stressed.

The bag was in the same circular shape that it was in the store, except a more pale shade of pink and Crystal had added unnecessary pockets on it; something she had found herself doing on most of her clothing items. The bag definitely wasn't as good as the one in the store, but it was the best she could do- and god she just hoped Gigi would like it.

THE RIVER - Crystal methyd x Gigi Goode (Crygi)Where stories live. Discover now