
14 2 7

I vaguely remember this one, it's kinda all over the place

I know it started and I was with my mamaw in meijer, she works there. and we were going to go outside to my papaw's truck after buying some things. something was off though, like I had to use a certain checkout or something, but I don't remember exactly what happened.

after that we went outside into the parking lot and I remember that it was chilly, like the air was brisk. like not freezing, buy like early summer morning. it wasn't dark out but it was as if the sun was like hardly even showing over the horizon.

also, for some unknown reason when we got in it was me driving, my papaw was non-existent I guess, and my mamaw was in the passenger seat. oh yeah and the truck had no top, it was like driving a rectangle with wheels.

I don't know how but then I got home and started talking to my online friend jeri, and she told me to call her and I have always been anxious about calling people, so I said I didn't know and after like a little while of us being like "ehhhh" we called and just  messed around and then fell asleep.

that is : all I remember.

I know there was more but as for what I remember this is it


I just remembered something else. I also somehow ended up at my sister's, as if I was staying at her house, and I went to her bathroom and I was looking through my hair and fucking white goo started pouring out of my pores it was fucking nasty

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