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okay so this one was weird, but also cute

I was camping as I do every year, but this time my friends were with me, and so was my girlfriend. but along with my friends, my ex best friend (we call her the witch) was there.

my aunt told me I needed to go get water from the store so we all piled in the car and for SOME reason, the witch got in the car too.

then, my girlfriend started driving (she's 14), and she started getting scared so I went "wait why are you driving? let me drive" and we switched seats then I drove to one of those drive thru stores and the road was narrow so the witch started being dramatic, as she does, and we all were just kinda like 😐.

anyways, we got out of the car and started cracking jokes about people walking through the drive thru, and for whatever reason we didn't drive through it, we walked into it.

that's about all I remember of that, then it switched to another dream

in this dream all I remember for sure is I was with someone who once was my life long best friend, but we grew apart (irl.) then she left and I was somehow at my friend Kenzie's house?

that's about all I remember before I woke up

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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