How it all started: Cake!

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MC/ Yuki POV:

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One of the angels just dropped off a cake for Mammon, from Luke. It was supposed to be a present in return for some money he owed Mammon. He accepted the cake, even though he loves money: we're all infatuated with Luke's cakes.

He supposedly put in a potion that was supposed to make the cake taste even better. A few minutes after Mammon ate the cake, though, Luke called frantically to say that he put in the wrong potion.

"Yuki, you've got to stop him! I put in the wrong thing, the potion and, and he-!"

"Luke, it's okay! Calm down. What did you put in?" He's silent for a second.

"I don't know how I got them mixed up... It was... a love enhancement potion. It basically means that he'll be extra loveydovey to the person he likes the most." This is a bit shocking. We all know that that's me.

"Why the two got mixed up in the first place, I'll never know. I'm sorry. The effects should start about 10 minutes after he eats it, and last for... *mumble*"

"What was that, Luke?"

He sighs. "F-For... a week."

"A week?!" He confirms it sadly. "It'll be okay, Luke, it's not like it will have a huge effect. Maybe it will just take some of the tsun out of his tsundere."

Pause. "It's going to be worse than that. He's not going to take his hands off you for a second!" He whines. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

He tells me a bit more about the potion: it shouldn't hurt him or change his personality towards others a ton, he'll just be more honest and adamant about his feelings for me; sweeter. Mammon really, really likes me, so it will be weird for him to admit it.

"I'm sorry, Yuki. I'll try and find an antidote or something. Just... I don't know what to do! I'm sorry." After he apologizes and stumbles over his words a while longer, I forgive him and bid him goodnight.

I check the time: it's been about 8 minutes. I go to Mammon. He's relaxing on his couch, playing on his DDD. "Hey, human. What's that face about? Ya look even more confused than usual."

I sit beside him. "Mammon... how was the cake?" He says it was good, but that it tasted like flowers or something. "There wasn't... anything strange about it?" He eyes me.

"Why are you actin' like that? Did the Chihuahua try to poison me or something? Cuz it won't work." I'm conflicted. Should I explain it all? He's almost out of time...

"Mammon... he accidentally put a... special potion in the cake. It was supposed to make it taste better, but..." He looks irritated already. "It... might... change your attitude a little. Specifically towards me."

He sits up. "What's that supposed to mean? Am I going to want to murder you or something?" He's grinning suspiciously.

"...The opposite." He makes a face. "Mammon... how do you feel about me now?" He looks at me like I'm asking a stupid question.

"You're a loser human that always gets me in trouble. You pick on me too much and you're too clingy, which makes sense, cuz I'm awesome." ... "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I know you like me." He turns red and tries to deny it. "Don't act like you don't- you've always been a terrible liar. I'm definitely not saying I have a problem with it. I like you, too." He looks away and says that doesn't matter.

"Yes, it does. Mammon." I put my hand on his shoulder. "The potion... it's a love enhancement potion. He says it will last a whole week." His eyes widen. "If you actually are as indifferent as you pretend to be, nothing will change. But I know for a fact that you-"

"Yuki, that's ridiculous! The Great Mammon is too amazing to be influenced by some dumb emotions. It's not like I'm a human or something!" He laughs, but I just stare. "Stop that."

"It's going to go into effect in about a minute or less." He shifts uncomfortably, looking uncertain. "If you like me even half as much as I think you do, it's probably going to make you obsessed."

He gulps. "I..." I think it's about to start. "It's not like that... I'll be fine! It's probably some dumb joke as revenge." He shifts again. "Scoot over, you're too close. Actually, just go away. If it does work- well, I totally don't think it will- it's better if you get out of here first."

Oh, he's right. "Okay. If you feel any different, let me know." I stand, walking toward the door. As soon as my hand is on the handle- Blip blop bloop!

"Yuki, wait!" I turn around- he's standing, blushing, and there are literally little pink, translucent hearts floating in the air around him. I excuse myself and go to turn the handle. "Yuki-" He rushes to my side and puts his hand on mine. "Where ya goin'~?"

He's right up against me. "I have to go check on something. Uh, I have the Fridge Mission, so I have to check on Be-!" He puts his other hand on my forearm and trails his fingers along my sleeve. I try to scoot away, but he's too close.

"Mh, Beel probably ate all the food anyway. Wouldn't ya rather check on me?" I gulp. "Yuki♡ You're so handsome, even if you're just a human." He shifts. "Did I ever tell you that?"

Ba-thump?♡ "N-No, you never have..." His eyes are tracing me up and down greedily. "Mammon, it's the potion. Do you remember? Luke's cake-"

"That doesn't matter! Yuki, come on. I want you♡" Ahh, it's too much! He bites his lip. "Will you stay a little longer? Keep me company!" He smiles, pulling my arm.

"If you look at me like that, it's gonna be hard to resist you..." He shivers.

"Who said you had to resist? Don't hold back~ Yuki, please?" His eyes are so amorous.

"Okay... but don't try and pretend you don't like it."

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[A/N: AHHH, MAMMON IS SO CUUUTE! He was already cute before the potion, in my opinion, but he gets pretty adorable and hella clingy afterwards.


He might have just saved Yuki's love life XD Just because the potion was an accident doesn't mean we have to treat it like a tragedy, right?

Things are starting to get a lil' wild in the House of Lamentation. I'm sooo ready! Are you ready?

Also, he ends up getting super duper overprotective and defensive of Yuki in... I think it's the next chapter? Maybe chapter three...

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Anyways, it's pretty good. Also, at this point, it's supposed to be around 10, 11 PM, so it's around dinner time. I- Yeah, pretty good. I won't spoil any more.

Thanks for reading this far! Hope you're enjoying my lame writing T_T

Does it help when I add long as notes all over my stories? I mean, no one asked for that, but.... 👉👈

I'm just trying to be a helpful Author-kun! 😭😭😭

So yeah! No more from me, just thanks and hope you liked it.


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