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[Okay, so, just a warning: I do remember them saying once where all the rooms are in relation to each other, but I can't remember that shit XD

I'll go read that in Devilgram later and possibly not fix it because I actually love plot holes and accidentally having totally incorrect information now and then....

I was mostly exaggerating, but yeah.]


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We follow behind Lucifer with Mammon still hugging onto my arm. He calls down the hall. "Hey, Belphie, Beel, come out! We're having a meeting!" The door opens and they both look surprised. "Yeah, I know. We're going to the table. Go get Levi, Asmo and Satan." They don't ask any questions and do as they're told.

Once we're all gathered in the dining hall (Mammon is sitting in my lap) he starts. "As you can see, something has happened with Mammon. Luke made him a cake and accidentally mixed up one of the ingredients. Long story short, it was too late once Luke called to tell him." He clears his throat.

"No one laugh." He looks each of them in the eye. "The potion that was meant to make the cake taste better was, in fact, some sort of love enhancer." Satan snickers, but stops as soon as Lucifer eyes him.

"Excuse me?" Several of the others are holding in their laughs. "The potion will last for about a week, yadda yadda, don't make fun of him too much or I'll personally take care of the problem." He cracks his knuckles... silence. "Any questions?" Satan raises his hand.

"Uh, Mammon, are you comfortable?" He snickers again and hits the table a few times. Levi and Asmo also laugh, but the twins only grin. "That's a nice looking chair you've got there." He laughs harder.

"Satan, do you want to die?" His eyes are murderous; Satan only laughs more. "This isn't fuckin' funny, you-" I cover his mouth. He crosses his arms, holding my hand. "I'm fine. I bet you're just jealous-- I thought that was Levi's job."

When Levi starts to say something back, Lucifer shushes everyone. "As you can see, he's quite irritable. He's acting a little differently than usual. If I were you, I wouldn't take his threats so lightly. Remember the last time he had a potion like this?" Everyone goes silent. "So keep that in mind."

I can't help but feel a little suspicious. They talk for a little longer before Beel clears his throat and speaks up, though his voice is still soft. "Uh, Lucifer?" Lucifer clears his throat: 'What is it, bub?' "I'm really hungry." His stomach growls, like punctuation.

"Oh, right." He looks at Asmo. "Were you almost done with dinner? I'm sorry for interrupting." He nods, explaining that all he has left to do is put on garnish and get it ready to serve. "Good timing. Alright, then--" He asks Levi to help out, and he says it isn't fair.

"Levi, quit whining, dude." Belphie sighs and stands up. "I'll help her." Asmo makes a face at being misgendered, but doesn't correct him. "I'll be right back, Bee. I'll try and hurry." He ruffles Beel's hair and smiles, walking toward the kitchen.

For the next five minutes or so, Levi pulls on his headphones and plays on his DDD, Satan pokes fun at Mammon, and Beel's stomach keeps growling. Lucifer tries to get Satan and Mammon to stop arguing, but it's useless, so I intervene: I start stroking Mammon's hair and telling him to settle down.

He sighs, turning around to hold me. The rest of the table's response ranges from disgust to surprise. "Yuki, can you please tell Satan to stop?" I look at Satan, who only shakes his head and looks away.

"He's stopping." I keep playing with his hair and he sighs contentedly. "Oh, the hearts are back." The little pink hearts are floating around again- Satan snorts. "Dude, it's not funny. It's either this or I let him commit murder." He purses his lips and looks away, trying not to laugh anymore.

The two in the kitchen promptly return, carting dinner into the room. Beel's eyes light up. Once everything is set out and Asmo says it's okay to eat, Levi mumbles 'itadakimasu' and the rest of us Normies thank him normally. Beel is already on his second plate, and Belphie tells him to slow down when he starts to choke on his fork.

"Well, it's certainly as pretty as always." Asmo's food is always decorated beautifully, but it's taste isn't as amazing as it's appearance. It's still good, don't get me wrong! It just looks even tastier than it is. "Um, Mammon, what are you doing?" He's grabbing my fork.

He scoops up a bit of food. "Say 'ah~,' Yuki." He rests his chin on his hand. This is embarrassing... I do it anyway. "Is it good?" I nod, laughing just a little bit.

"Even if it tastes good, that would be thanks to Asmo, not your excellent feeding abilities." Satan looks up, smirking. "It's probably hard to enjoy dinner with an idiot crushing you, isn't it, Yuki?"

Mammon looks angry. "Hey, calm down." I pat his head and he turns away from Satan sassily. "Pfft. This is actually pretty nice, I could get used to this." He smiles shyly. "But, Mammon, wouldn't it be easier if you just ate your own food? I can feed myself."

He looks a little sad. "You said you liked it." I take it back immediately, shaking my head. He grins. "Hehe, that's what I thought."

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[A/N: Awwww, Mammon feeding his baeee♡! My heart- so cute♡♡♡! Okay, sorry. Ahem.

I have so much I wanna say, but sadly I am too close to rambling. Anyways, yeeeaahhh 👍👍👍

Yuki actually seems hella chill, and that wasn't exactly intentional, but I definitely love that. He seems like a really gentle person that would be really fun to hang out with.

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Okay, sorry, that was weird. He literally just spontaneously existed XD I originally planned to make Yuki as close as possible to the MC of the game, but I suddenly got all these Ideas TM and so heeere we are.

I'm trying to figure out if I actually want to publish the whole story I have so far, but I want to have extra pieces written at all times so that I don't run out T_T

Ideas or opinions, wanna tell me what you very loved or very hated?

Go to the comments~ I'd love to hear something, even if only one or two people read it!

I honestly really like this one.

Thanks, bye♡!]

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