Dinner Time;

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[Okay, idk why, but this piece is way shorter. I think I might have been falling asleep as I wrote it?

Anyways, it's 👍

I'm also gonna stop saying "Yuki POV" everytime. Let's just assume it Yuki unless it's written as otherwise.

Got it? Yes? Okay, good.

Here ya goooo~☆]

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He gives me a few more forkfuls before Lucifer clears his throat. We both look up. "How about you both eat your own food? We're gonna be here all night at this rate." Mammon looks upset. "Don't make that face. Sit in your own chair." Clatter; he slams down the fork.

Mammon stands, more than a little reluctantly, and scoots his chair right against mine. He sits on the very edge, right where our chairs overlap. He's going at his plate already, scowling. "Mammon?" He immediately stops and looks up, smiling at me.

"Yes, handsome?" He props his hand up on his chin, a few hearts swirling above him already. Never mind, I mumble. He goes back to his eating, now in a much better mood.

I pick back up my fork- he scoots closer. "MAMMON." He looks up at Lucifer, grumpy. "Give Yuki some space." He scoots back at little, but taps my foot under the table. He looks happy again, now that we're touching.

We basically continue like this the rest of dinner; it's largely uneventful. After, Mammon suddenly seems very tired. Lucifer stands, clearing his throat. "Okay, Satan and I will do the dishes. The rest of you can go ahead."

Satan is a little caught off guard, but doesn't refuse. We all stand and mumble salutations, then head to our rooms. Mammon follows me. "Um, Yuki?" He rubs his eyes. "Are we sleeping in your room or mine?"

For some reason, this is embarrassing. "Uh, I... I don't know, I thought we'd go to my room." He looks happy at this again. "Head to your room first and get ready for bed, okay?" He's a little apprehensive, but he goes anyway.

After I'm done getting into pajamas and I'm brushing my teeth, Mammon sneaks in behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, leaning against my shoulder. "Yuki." That scared me a little, I'm not gonna lie.

I spit. "Mammon, get your toothbrush." He says he will in a second, but keeps holding me. It's pretty cute. Once he's done, he gets his brush out and ready, then stands beside me. Spit. I run the brush over my front teeth again, then back to the side. Now I brush my tongue.

"That's funny, your teethbrushing is pretty different from mine." I spit again, rinsing my mouth, and he keeps at it. "Ah, wait for me." He continues going for a while. Finally, he rinses his brush then his face, wiping it on a towel. Yawn.

"Ready?" He nods sleepily and smiles, holding my hand. Ahhh, he's so cute! We head to my room; once we get there, I shut the door behind us. He waits for me to sit, then sits beside me. "Uh, you can come closer if you want." His eyes light up. Ack♡!

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[A/N: For this part, I was basically just trying to bridge the space between dinner time and bed time. It was kind of just filler, and I'm certain I was half asleep while I wrote this XD

So, the next few 'parts' will be just random fluff while the two talk before they go to sleep. I feel like I sort of crammed at shit ton of ideas in there and just kind of went, "Yeah, this is how you make a story. Boom." Lol.

But in all honesty, may have gone a little overboard with the mushy gushy stuff in the next scene. They just totally flirt for, like, a solid 20 minutes.

Also, Mammon is very soft in the next one; I say that like he wasn't soft before XD Basically, just cuddling and idle chatter is the next piece.

Thanks, bye-! I hope you continue to enjoy/ have enjoyed this story!^^]

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